Friday 31 July 2015

My Week in Pictures #3

Hey everyone, I hope you are well and have had lovely weeks. An alternative name for this post could be the stay at home edition. For numerous reasons this week I've not really been out a lot or up to anything overly exciting but I still wanted to do a weekly pictures post. Sometimes the beauty around us can be seen in the smallest of things and I feel like these photos really made me appreciate all those little moments this week. Hopefully next week's edition will be more exciting as it is my birthday week and that usually means a good time is guaranteed. Anyway, here's what I have been up to lately...

-Above: Some of the makeup bits'n pieces I used in my videos last weekend. *Shameful plug alert, they're both up on my channel now. I'm a bit obsessed with all of the above at the moment, especially that L'Oreal foundation.

-Gilmore Girls and Lucky Charms, a snack Lorelai Gilmore would approve of I like to think.

-I'm not going to lie, I visit Buzzfeed at least once a day most days and I love it. The big lamp made an appearance and I'm not gonna lie, I only like it because it gives me slight Pixar lamp vibes.

-Matching my pyjama pants to my box of tissues. The only positive about needing tissues at the moment. Those Elsa+Anna pants are from Peter Alexander and they're so cosy and warm.

-Okay, so this photo isn't from this week but whatever. I mainly included this to show you that awesome Rory Gilmore card I gave to a friend with her birthday presents. Isn't it awesome?! You can find it here

-On Wednesday I purchased my ticket to go see Florence and the Machine in November and I am ridiculously excited. This is my birthday present this year from the 'rents, my hint dropping worked haha. Is it bad I've already started thinking about what to wear?

*Have the raddest weekends+Fridays everyone! Tomorrow I'm having an early birthday lunch with some friends and I'm really looking forward to it. It's definitely not just for the fact cake is involved, I promise. Other than that I don't have a lot planned really. See y'all on Monday with a beauty themed post.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

A Library Haul

Hey everyone! I hope your week's have been going good so far. Today I am back with another video, this time a library book haul. #1-Sorry for my husky, croaky voice in this video. I had a sore throat+cold most of last week and it came out to play when I filmed this. #2-Apologies for the lack of writing on the blog this week. I've been quite busy behind the scenes and these kinds of posts have been quicker and easier to do. Plus, as you read this I have no wifi (#prayforme). Anyway, so these are all books I got for free (yasss), well from Auckland Libraries. They have such an awesome catalogue and if you're based in Auckland+want a cheaper option than book hauling all day everyday I suggest you check them out.

-What have you been reading lately? 

Monday 27 July 2015

July Favourites

Well it's that time of the month and I've just realised things are looking a little sparse. That may be because I forgot to mention a couple of my favourites. Inside Out, here's looking at you. Anyway, I sat myself back down in front of the MacBook and waxed lyrical on all the beauty bits+the book I couldn't get enough of this month. The result is down below for your perusal. Enjoy!

-What have you loved during July?

Friday 24 July 2015

The Week #160

Big Eyes & Big Lies: So this week I finally watched Big Eyes starring Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz. It tells the story of Margaret Keane and Walter Keane, the man who eventually becomes her husband and takes credit for her iconic 'big eyes' paintings. It's directed by Tim Burton so you can expect lots of aesthetic pleasingness but it's also a really interesting story. Amy Adams is amazing in this film but so is Waltz who honestly made me loathe his character so much. He did a good job at being an asshat haha. Anyway, if you like art and biopics, watch it. 

A Little Makeover: Did you notice that new, fancy header at the top of the page? That is the work of the lovely Kate Ranfurly. We've been emailing back and forward working on this for the last month or so as well as on some other bits+bobs and she's been awesome to work with. She gets my love of rose gold and very classic type. If you want to see the mood board she made for my logo you can check it out here

Life with Louise: When Louise's extremely pretty, sparkly book Life with a Sprinkle of Glitter* arrived last week I was all kinds of excited. Louise was one of the first YouTubers I watched and while she's a lot more successful these days, I feel like she's still very authentic and her genuine personality and quirkiness shines through. Her book is no different and her random musings throughout have had me laughing out loud. I'm not quite finished this one yet but it's such a good read and really caters for a wide range of ages because Louise has such a varied audience. If you want a pretty, positive, uplifting read go for this one.

A Pinterest-Worthy Bathroom: Kate of gh0stparties often shoots stunning pictures that are the epitome of #lifegoals, Pinterest inspiration and all round radness. Well she's bringing the inspiration big time with her recently updated bathroom space. Seriously, it's a beauty. Peonies, lots of white, marbled accents, Rifle Paper Co prints and plenty of actual beauty gems. If this kind of thing floats your boat you have to have a look at it.

Happy Birthday Cher Horowitz: As if! The original Blair Waldorf totally turns twenty this year. I would've been way too young to jump on the Clueless bandwagon the first time around but in the post-Mean Girls era I can now fully embrace and appreciate it. It's so cleverly done, and mad props have to be given to anyone who can make Jane Austen seem more exciting. I hope my former English Lit teacher isn't reading this...Also Cher's wardrobe was pretty darn on point, let's be real. I wouldn't mind seeing those cardis with the fluffy edged sleeves coming back. Anyway, that lengthy piece of appreciation was leading to telling you to go read this  post Evelyn of Just So Pretty penned sharing the love for this nineties classic and how its fashion impacted her life. 

-As always have the awesomest weekends out everybody! This week's actually gone so fast and been quite busy so I'm not so secretly chuffed that it is Friday. This weekend I will hopefully be filming one or two videos for my channel; a favourites roundup and another book haul (although don't be fooled, I've not been shopping for books...well not much). I'm also hoping to catch up on blog things, watch plenty of Parks & Rec (Leslie is life) and have a sleep in or two! See you cool cats on Monday x.

*Review copy

Wednesday 22 July 2015

New in Beauty, Body & Skincare

I've not really been on a makeup spree since my trip to Sydney earlier in the year and with the temptation of sales+joint shopping sprees it seemed like the perfect excuse to get a lil' spendy. Today I thought I'd show you a few of the things I've either bought or been sent recently. This isn't all of it though because I didn't fancy writing an essay. Keep an eye out for a beauty haul video soon to see the rest...

Mac Eyeshadows in Haux and Cranberry-My logic: I'll cull my Mac eyeshadow palette. *buys two more eyeshadow colours*. Said cull still hasn't happened, I'm just not sure what to do with the eyeshadow pans I no longer want. These colours though I have a lot of time for. Cranberry is one of those shades I've always been a bit scared of but I'm not sure why. I wore it out the other day and it didn't have the supposed pink-eye effect. In fact, I may have liked it. Haux isn't a colour I have worn yet but it pairs nicely with Misty Rock from By Terry so I have high hopes.

Mac Matte Lipstick in Men Love Mystery*-I have a bit of a thing for purple lipsticks at the moment. I toyed with Mac's Heroine shade a couple of years back but ended up parting with it. I totally regret that decision now. Anyway, Mac describe this as a lavender violet. It's actually quite a deep colour so it doesn't look too pastel-like on the lips which I love. It's also not as intense as Heroine so if you're intimidated by purple lipsticks, this one would be a good starting point. 

The Comforter Bubble Bar, Lush-I have picked this up so many times in Lush and put it back, largely because I felt like it seemed expensive. The price is justified though because this lasts ages. Its scent reminds me of lollies and raspberry jelly. Plus as an added bonus it tints the bath water pink. What more could you want?

Mac Blush in Mocha-Until now there's only been one Mac blush in my collection so I decided to grab another one when Emily and I did our lil' YouShop order. Mocha is described as a soft plum pink. It's quite different to my other blush colours. This blush has a matte finish which I love and it's such a stunning colour to rock in Winter.

Mac Dazzleshadows in Let's Boogie, Try Me On & She Sparkles*-These shades are all a part of Mac's Le Disko collection which I believe is on counter now/soon. Another thing to note is that these shadows are all limited edition so if they're something you're after I suggest you track them down asap. I swatched these and of all the colours, Let's Boogie, the black with sparkles is the only colour I can't see myself reaching for. She Sparkles, the light grey with silver sparkles is my favourite but Try Me On is beautiful as well. These shadows definitely aren't for the faint-hearted but if you want to up the shimmer or create a really fun eyeshadow look then you should check these out.

The Body Shop Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser*-TBS are on fire with their new launches at the moment. The latest is their Glow Boosting Moisturiser and Glow Enhancer, the latter works more like a primer. This new moisturiser is lightweight, yet so hydrating. My skin's been quite dry lately (thanks Winter) and this is really helping to combat that. 

Mac Cremesheen Lipglass in Softly Lit*-This is a repromoted, limited edition gloss which came out in a Christmas collection a couple of years back and I think it's now coming out as part of the Cremesheen Pearl collection. I'll admit I'm not much of a gloss person but they are nice to layer over lipsticks that are more matte. Softly Lit is one of those colours that could be used to amp up a peachy nude or any nude really for a bit more sheen. This one will be perfect in Summer when the whole lipgloss+hair situation is less of a reality.

-What new beauty products have you tried recently?

*PR Sample

Monday 20 July 2015

10 More Things That Make Me Happy

I'll be honest, I'd been a bit slack with keeping up with my positivity journaling but I picked it up again a couple of weeks ago and haven't looked back. So, here's another ten things that have made me happy recently...

1. Conversations with beautiful strangers in Lush. 

2. Licking the bowl after making chocolate brownie (shh). 

3. Winning a $250 Smith & Caughey voucher. *I actually ended up sharing this with someone else but I got myself this ring which I love.

4. Book chats on Twitter. 

5. Singing along to Fleetwood Mac's Rumors album. 

6. Endless Tumblr scrolling. 

7. Miranda Sings voices on phone conversations. 

8. Having a secret S Club 7 desk party session for one. 

9. Being indoors with rain beating against the windows. 

10.  Reading all the magazines.

-What's made you happy recently?

Friday 17 July 2015

My Week in Pictures #2

I had such a good time last week taking almost daily snaps that I decided to revisit the idea again this week. I've been out and about a few times with friends and family but forgot to take my camera on those occasions. Whoops. I did still manage to get a fair few photos on both my camera and phone this week though. Here's what I got up to..

-(Above): After a little bit of deliberating, I decided I missed having an inspiration board in my room so my old one made its way back to the wall. My walls are still really plain but having this back up helps to liven things up a bit again.

-Another collection of books from the public library. I'm not gonna lie, I really like those Miss Marvel comics which is strange because I am really not the biggest Marvel fan. I once got Captain America and Captain Planet mixed up..Maybe this series will change my tune.

-Train rides post Paper Towns complete with sweet and salty popcorn for dinner because I didn't have time to grab proper food. This popcorn was amazing though! So was Paper Towns actually-need to see that again asap.

-The first season of Parks and Recreation came home with me on Wednesday and I had a bit of a mini-binge session yesterday watching a few episodes. So far I love it and am trying to resist the urge to watch all the episodes in one go.

-Some phone snaps. #1-Coffee, cake and Renegade Collective, #2-A lil' Feel Unique order with some new bits from Zoella Beauty and the Topshop Beauty lipstick in Rio Rio. #3-Hokey Pokey icecream (an NZ staple) and Sprite at the Paper Towns screening. #4-Nimona x Noelle Stephenson, a graphic novel I read and liked this week. #5-Not my photo but one I've seen doing the rounds on Instagram and Pinterest. Peonies and stripes are two of my favourite things.

*I hope your weeks have been awesome! Highlight of my week (so far) aside from seeing Paper Towns and nearly screaming at one point (you'll get it when you see it), was watching Inside Out. Oh my gosh, that movie. So many feelings, such  a wicked concept. I loved it. Have the best weekend everyone and I'll see you on Monday with another life post x.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Things I Bought & Liked: Volume 2

Y'know the drill here. I see things, I buy them and inevitably I end up liking them. There is not a lot more to it than that really. So, if you are intrigued as to what I bought and liked then read on...

Renegade Collective, Issue 22 -I seem to only be able to find this magazine in airports, which is where this issue was purchased so it's like finding treasure. Side note: If you know where I can find this in Auckland then let me know! The latest issue features Amy Poehler and a shedload more inspiration. I've not had a chance to read this yet as I am still finishing up last month's issue but I find Collective so different to any other magazine I read. It's the perfect blend of fun and serious content and I love it.

Crystal Pendant, Matchbox Studios-The last three pendants I have bought have all featured semi-precious stones of some point so it is safe to say I am a bit obsessed with them. I visited Matchbox Studios' second home in the St Kevins arcade last week and they have a ton of pendant necklaces. I ended up bringing this one home because I liked the fact it has a bar across the top, rather than just the pendant hanging on its own. I wear mine so often and I'd be lost without them.

Clinique Cheek Pop in Melon Pop-So technically this is an early birthday present from one of my friends (shout-out to M if you're reading) but I had to include it because look how beautiful it is. This peachy pink blush is super cute and aside from its appealing daisy embossing, it's meant to be a pretty darn good blush too. I will keep you posted.

Nook and Burrow Bookmarks-After spying these bookmarks on Instagram I knew I'd have to pick some up at some point. I actually grabbed three but one was for a giveaway last week. I really like them both but this Hermione Granger one is easily my favourite.

-What have you bought and liked recently?

Tuesday 14 July 2015

A Not-So-Little Book Haul

As promised, my book haul from May and June is here and live on my channel for you all to digest, if you so wish. There's a mix of books I purchased myself as well as some I was lucky enough to be sent by some lovely publishers. I've actually been on a book buying detox this month and have only bought one book *success*.  I cannot say the same for magazines though.. Anyway, enough rambling. The video is below. All the book details, links and the like are in the description box so if that info interests you then head on over to YouTube. 

Monday 13 July 2015

100 Years of Maybelline

I'm sure many a teenage girl+teenage girl at heart has memories of Maybelline products. Back in the days when blogging didn't exist (dark, dark times..), it was magazines that had me wanting their fruity scented lipglosses and wondering if Great Lash mascara was as cult as it seemed to be. Side note: I have still never tried that mascara. Believe it or not but Maybelline have actually been around for one hundred years now. How crazy is that!? Recently I was invited along to their party celebrating Maybelline's birthday where aside from enjoying a delicious Cosmopolitan, we also admired their array of new releases, and even left with little black bags of makeup treasure*. Today I thought I'd talk you through some of their new products which seem to be gradually appearing on NZ shelves this month and let you know what I think of them...

The Nudes Eyeshadow Palette-Now this neutral palette has to be one of the most hyped products from the new range. I'll be honest, I hadn't heard a lot about this palette but given purse-friendly neutral eyeshadow palettes  seem to be a bit of a rarity I was intrigued. At $30 for twelve eyeshadows I think this is such great value. I like how the colours have all been arranged so you can use them as duos or quads if you want too. The colours, especially the shimmery shades have strong pigmentation and last well with primer underneath. The matte browns work great as crease colours too. Is this a must-buy? If you're not short on the eyeshadow front I wouldn't race out to buy this specially but if you're looking for a great, versatile neutral palette for travel or on-the-go use you might like this one.

Master Sculpt Contouring Palette-Forgive me for being picky but can this really be deemed a palette when there's only two colours? Aside from that minor qualm I have I love this product. Seriously, I've been raving about this to everyone who can tolerate enthusiastic makeup banter. I also love the little brush that comes underneath this duo too. Usually I discard those brushes but this one actually works really well with the contour shade for a bit of cheekbone action. This contour colour is warm but it's not too intense or orange so even us paler ladies can work with it. The highlight is lovely too and isn't too glittery so it's much more wearable than some of the sparklier offerings out there.

Rebel Bloom lipsticks in Blushing Bud and Orchid Ecstasy-I had some of the Maybelline Colorsensational lipsticks last year but I think during one of my ruthless culls I may have parted with them. I'm not sure why I did though because the formula of these lipsticks is great. They're very similar to Mac's Cremesheen lipsticks in terms of formula and the colour payoff you get. Blushing Bud, featured in this post, is a gorgeous rosy pink and Orchid Ecstasy a more vibrant purple. I wore Orchid Ecstasy to a birthday party last week and was amazed at how well it lasted through meals. The colour faded slightly but it was still noticeable at the end of the night. I can see myself getting more of these once I find them out and about.

Brow Drama in Medium Brown-Unpopular opinion perhaps but I was not that excited by the launch of new brow products from Maybelline. I'm very much an Anastasia fangirl but I reluctantly willingly put them aside to try this Brow Drama shade. My brows are quite dark so I'm always wary putting colour in them as if it doesn't match well then they tend to look very weird. Medium brown works fine for me though. I liked Brow Drama but I don't feel like it sets your brows in place so I'd recommend following up with a clear brow gel afterwards to set them. 

Baby Lips Candy Wow in Peach -Last week I received these to celebrate the 4th of July and I was really curious because I've not seen these in any US or UK magazine advertising. I wonder if they're exclusive to here and Australia. Anyway, these are essentially Maybelline's version of a chubby stick. They're longer, wind up versions of their Baby Lips balms and from the ones I have tried seem to have stronger colour payoff. This peachy shade is my favourite but the Raspberry colour is stunning too.

Lash Sensational Waterproof Mascara-This was another product I had heard a lot about and it did not disappoint. It's been compared to Benefit Roller Lash and it is very similar but not as volumising. I love how easily this layers though and it does hold a curl really well in the lashes. It's not too tricky to remove either which is always a plus for a waterproof mascara. 

This post is already nearing essay-length but I wanted to show you some of the other products I received. These are ones I've not had a chance to try properly yet so let me know if you are interested in seeing reviews of any of them and I will get onto that. Maybelline also have a new matte version of their Fit Me foundation coming out which I did try but the lighter shades are all a bit too dark for me at the moment so I may have to try them again in Summer.

-Have you tried any of these products before? If not, which are you looking forward to trying?

*PR samples. This post is in no way sponsored nor am I being compensated by Maybelline for my views. I know a lot of you are Maybelline fans so I wanted to share their new releases with you and let you know which ones I really loved! x

Friday 10 July 2015

My Week in Pictures

This week, in an attempt to get a bit more creative and snap happy, I decided to take at least one photo a day, every day from Monday to Thursday. I found this really fun to do so I might try to make it a regular thing, although my life isn't that exciting. We shall see. Oh-and advanced apologies for the fact most of these photos were taken at home. I was sick during the first part of the week and then when I was out it was too wet to take my camera along. As Siri would say, when she's not deeming all of us friendless, I did try my best...

-(Above) Tuesday was so rainy and awful outside so I stayed indoors most of the day. Here's the view from my desk and a little snippet of my Tumblr. Follow me for an extreme overdose of randomness. 

-My Rifle Paper Co. calendar was finally rehung on the wall and because July's page is just so pretty I had to take a photo of it. Side note: I wish it was blueberry season.

-Lunchtime reads. On this day I was beginning Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen. So far I'm loving this book. Sydney's character is so relatable and I just love it. Apologies for the lack of eloquence here but this book is good. Real good.

-Makeup from Wednesday's face. Admittedly I was only going up the road to run some errands but it's times like these that are good for me to test out new products and also look less...zombie-like. I lovelovelove that Maybelline Mastersculpt* duo. Psst, keep an eye out for Maybelline goodness on the blog next week.

-A photo ready tray at an Estee Lauder launch event on Thursday. I had a fun time drinking delicious soda and catching up with Tara and Ellen from Shop Style Conquer

-Finally visited Matchbox Studios in the St Kevins Arcade this week too. I forgot to take photos because I was too busy chatting and admiring things with my eyes and not a lens. Whoops. Anyway, here is what I picked up and I will definitely be back because they have loads of beautiful things.

*I hope your week's have been absolutely wicked. This week's been pretty decent and despite feeling under the weather it hasn't been too bad. Pro's of being ill: I can watch all the guilty-pleasure TV (i.e. binge on old Keeping Up With The Kardashians episodes) and read to my heart's content. Tonight I have a birthday party of sorts for one of my oldest friends. Shoutout to you G if you are reading. I'm also going to a screening of Paper Towns this weekend with Amy which we are very excited for, if only to see the Queen of Eyebrows (Ms Cara D) as Amy puts it. Have a good one x.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

July Reading List

Another month, another stack of books. I actually plan on reading more than these books during July but these are the five I wanted to feature here. I also have a book haul going up on my channel+blog later in the week so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, here is my July reading list..

Very Good Lives by JK Rowling-For the first time, JK Rowling's often quoted speech to the Harvard graduates of 2008 is available in book form, with all the profits benefiting her charity Lumos. As you can see this is a rather slim book so I finished it in one sitting. This is so inspiring and perfect for someone who's about to make big decisions, or on the verge of entering the corporate world. There's also a Harry Potter reference or two in there which is never not going to please me.

Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot-It's been a fair while since we last heard from Mia Thermopolis but she is back. I'll be honest, going in to this I was scared it'd be a repeat of the Bridget Jones comeback from a few years ago. Thankfully it wasn't as I gave this five stars over on Goodreads. Mia is in her mid-twenties splitting her time between Genovia and their embassy in New York. Her and Michael get engaged on a private island in Bora Bora but upon their return to New York, scandal unfolds. As always, this story is told through Mia's hilarious diary entries and text messages+emails. One of the major storylines was quite predictable but it was still exciting to see it unfold. I hope Meg Cabot writes another book about Mia, maybe just one more to satisfy us.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas*-I have heard a lot about Sarah J Maas' books recently over on booktube and from some of my other friends. Throne of Glass is about an eighteen year old girl who is a trained assassin but she got caught and has to face the consequences. It's been a while since I've read anything within the dystopian+fantasy genre so I am looking forward to starting this one soon.

My Paris Dream by Kate Betts-Kate Betts was featured in a Man Repeller roundtable feature on fashion journalism recently where they also discussed her book so I made a note of it and ordered it in at Time Out. This memoir documents the tales of a journalist in 1980's Paris and her quest to conquering Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Women's Wear Daily among other renowned fashion publications. It sounds really inspiring and anything about fashion journalism is right up my street so I cannot wait to get into this.

I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson-This is the book I'm currently reading and it's pretty good so far. It's the story of two twins, Noah and Jude told from two different time periods. In the present day, Jude's perspective, the twins aren't speaking and it is through the two different sides you eventually learn why that is. As I say in my video which'll be up later in the week, I feel like this book is going to make me feel all the feels, a la John Green or Rainbow Rowell but we shall see.

-Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them?

*PR Sample

Monday 6 July 2015

Another Pop of Colour

After my first ColourPop order happened at the beginning of May, I knew it was not going to be long before I felt it necessary to make another one. I grabbed a few different products to try this time and also some more of my current favourite eyeshadows. I've had these for less than a week but I've already had the time to try everything out so without further ado, here's my haul and first impressions...

Super-Shock Shadows in On The Rocks and Nillionaire-Oh my, some more bronze-y eyeshadows. I'm so predictable when it comes to eyeshadow colours. These ones are actually a bit more on the taupe-y side of things but I am okay with that. On the Rocks is a gold-bronze with gold and violet glitter. I don't really think the violet glitter picks up on the eyes but you do get some shimmer there and it is a stunning shade. Nillionaire is similar but is more of a warm bronze shade. When I swatched this initially I was really disappointed but it seemed to look a lot better on the eyes. If you like neutral shimmers then these will be right up your street.

Lippie Stix in Frida and Lumiere-After seeing Liv's review of the Lippie Stix, I knew I'd have to try these at some point. I opted for Frida first because I bought the matching lip pencil last time and really liked that. Frida reminds me of Patisserie from Mac but with more pink tones and vibrancy to it. It's described as a satin finish and wears well on the lips but be prepared to reapply this throughout the day. Lumiere seems to be one of ColourPop's bestsellers and I can see why. It's your standard, Kylie Jenner-esque nude and reminds me a bit of Syrup, also from Mac. I was surprised to read that this is actually a matte finish because it doesn't feel or apply like a matte lipstick to the lips. However, it definitely did have decent lasting power without the dryness. I can see this colour becoming a fast favourite.

Blush in Get Leid-I considered getting one of the new highlighters from ColourPop but I was kinda overwhelmed by the selection and not too sure where to begin with choosing one so I opted for a cream blush. I currently don't own any cream blushers so I decided it was a justifiable excuse to add one to the collecton. Get Leid is a warm peach-toned blush. In fact it looks quite orange in the pan which scared me but it's much more natural looking on. I wore this on Friday night when I felt like death and it certainly livened up my complexion. As for lasting power, I forgot to pay attention to that but I'm pretty sure the colour hadn't faded too much after four or five hours of wear. 

*Have you hauled anything from ColourPop lately? What do you love from their lineup?

Friday 3 July 2015

The Week #159

A Base Gem-I'll be honest, I usually struggle to find an affordable foundation that I'd use and recommend. Being on the paler side of things, I feel like cheaper foundations often alternate between being too pink or too orange. There's never really any middle ground. Well, I have finally found a foundation that I like from L'Oreal. Their new Infallible Pro Matte* foundation launched at the end of last month, alongside a mattifying primer and I really like them. This foundation is full coverage without the cakiness and is so lightweight. It feels like you have no makeup on and it looks so flawless. Love.

Some Assembly Required-This was one of the books we could vote for in the #WeTheBookDragons book club last month, I think, and I saw it in the library recently and gave it a read over the weekend. If you saw my last video you will have heard me talk about this book already but it tells the story of Arin Andrews, a transgender teen. He talks about growing up as a child with gender dysphoria and the bullying, struggles and then later triumphs and achievements. It's a really fascinating read and I highly recommend it. I want to read his friend Katie's book now too because she sounds just as inspiring.

Lipstick For A Cause-July honours a number of causes here in NZ, including #LookGoodFeelBetter, a charity that supports women with cancer and makes them feel special with things like makeup workshops, styling sessions and more. During July, every lipstick purchased in-store at Farmers will see $1 being donated to the charity. Not only is it a perfect time to treat yourself to a new lipstick, you can do some good too.

Lizzie McGuire 2.0-I'm a Hilary fangirl from way back, ever since I saw her in Casper Meets Wendy actually. Her vacation wardrobe in that film was #wardrobegoals. Anyway, Hilary is back with a new album 'Breathe In Breathe Out'. Anyway, I am currently obsessed with the song Sparks from this album. It's just so upbeat and makes me happy. The whole album's full of catchy, fun tracks. If you're a Hilary fan/love pop music then give it a listen.

A Handmade Affair-Recently I've been on a bit of an Etsy+shopping handmade spree. I think Etsy is the best place to find handmade gifts but there's also heaps of standalone stores on the internet. Pictured is Nook and Burrow, a store run by two ladies in Australia. They make gorgeous bookmarks like the ones above, prints and other cute crafty things. Check them out if you're #feelingspendy.

-Have the raddest of weekends everyone! This week's been quite busy-with a mix of work, play and party planning. My younger brother has his 21st party tonight so there's been a lot happening around that. This weekend I don't have any concrete plans as we have some family staying. Oh-I do want to watch The Lizzie McGuire movie because I have been too busy to watch the DVD I bought of it & I have another video to edit so keep an eye out for that xo.

*PR Sample

Wednesday 1 July 2015

The #TMI Tag

Well I'm back from another one of my extended YouTube hiatuses. I've filmed two videos and first up we have the TMI tag. I wasn't actually tagged to do this but thought it looked fun, and it was fun to film so that's a win for me. I guess. I don't think I overshared toooo much but yeah, give it a watch. If you're new feel free to subscribe. When I'm not MIA from YouTube I do post hauls, favourites, book videos and the like so there's a mix of content on my channel. 

Have an awesome Wednesday and I'll see you on Friday with another installment of The Week x