
My blog is very important to me and I spend a lot of my free time on it, so honesty and clarity in my reviews are both extremely high priorities for me. Any PR samples I receive are accepted for review at my discretion and I am in no way obliged to feature gifted products. If I don't like something or know it's not the right fit for me, you won't see it in my posts or videos-I want to feature what I love and think you'll love as well!  

Any items that I have received as PR samples will be marked here on my blog and over on my YouTube channel with a '*'. If I do any paid features these will be clearly labelled 'Sponsored Content' at the conclusion of each post.

As of August 2014 I'll be featuring affiliate links in my posts, which a lot of bloggers do. Affiliate linking allows bloggers to gain a small amount of commission when linking to products.