Wednesday 29 February 2012

Raid the closets!

As many of you know the New Zealand Fashion Festival is taking place, right now! Until the 3rd of March and aside from the daily runway shows+seminars happening down at Shed 10, there's a hive of activity taking place off site as well.

Mid Week Music

This track makes me think of something fairies may enjoy listening to, it just sounds so magical. Then again, a lot of Feist's music does which is surprising given that she started out with punk rock ambitions.

My Moon My Man was the first track off Feist's album 'The Reminder' and was the predecessor to her track 1234, which was on the memorable iPod adverts. Two off her other standout tracks which you should listen to are; Gatekeeper and I Feel It All.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Reading Pile

The book pile has been taking this reader for a British spin as of late, and will continue to do so, thanks to some newly acquired purchases (UK Vogue and a Roald Dahl autobiography in case you were wondering). Anyway, enough about that! Today I present to you two textbooks of sorts, Luella's Guide to English Style and Tim Walker Pictures.

Friday 24 February 2012

Inside the archives, or how my MacBook's desktop came to resemble a pensieve.

My computer is a treasure trove of photos, which I'm sure my hard-drive doesn't appreciate but each month I come across images online from blogs, news sites and my own research mainly. Below is a selection of some of the finds from browsing this month. Enjoy!

Thursday 23 February 2012

It's back!

That's right everyone, unless you've been hiding under a very isolated rock you'd probably know that the New Zealand Fashion Festival returns for another year to Auckland from the 24th of February through to the 4th of March. Aucklanders get 10 whole days of fashion! What more could anyone want?

NYFW-Through the looking glass.

The Fall 2012 shows of NYFW may be done and dusted for another year but I'm still in awe with the collections of these three designers in particular, and no doubt will be for some time to come yet!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Mid Week Music

Some of the best music is that which has no lyrics, and it's no wonder that this form of song is at its most effective in movie scores, as well as prologues and entr'actes of musicals. 

Trends of 2012

The following is an article which I've written for my University's Student Magazine, the Orientation Issue to be exact. My aim is to be writing Fashion related articles for them whenever I can. Enjoy it! I'm off to feast my eyes over the London Fashion Week Coverage thus far.

Saturday 18 February 2012

NYFW: Highlights from the Fall 2012 Shows.

NYFW designers, I have one question for [some] of you; Where was the boldness and glamour in your designs this season?? Arguably some colour appeared in the collections shown in the latter half of the week, but for the most part it was minimal with a greater focus being applied to the tailoring of pieces.

Friday 17 February 2012

Fabulous February

As I'm sure, much to nobody's surprise I love taking pictures, especially pictures that I can sneakily turn into ones which look like they've been taken with a film camera. Props to Instagram!

Anyway, this month along with many other Instagram users I've been doing the "Feb Photo A Day" challenge created by @FatMumSlim. Every day for the month of February users get given a key word or a series of words as a brief of sorts and must take a photo satisfying that.

So without further ado, here are the first 15 of my photos for the challenge. I hope you like them!

Your view today.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Mid Week Music

'Million Dollar Man' is one of the final tracks on Lana Del Rey's debut album Born to Die and it really sounds quite different to her other singles to date so it mightn't get chosen as an upcoming single but it's probably one of my favourite songs on the whole album. It sounds like a classic love song, and the style reminds me of Amy Winehouse and Duffy.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Clever Collages

This is the first time that I've ever thought about sharing my scrapbook of collages with anyone, and my blog seemed the perfect place to debut them! They've been inspired by the likes of acclaimed photographer Tim Walker and blogger Tavi Gevinson and feature magazine tearaways, illustrations, random objects I find, stickers and more.

All you need

Well, that's debatable I must say. While I don't endorse the commercial side of Valentines Day (people shouldn't need one specific day to tell others that they're loved), some of our favourite fictional characters and songwriters sure know how to speak on the topic!

So without further ado, here are a few of  my favourite quotes. Apologies in advance for potential cheesiness.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge

"Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels, the dizzy dancing way you feel, as every fairytale comes real. I've looked at love that way." -Both Sides Now, Joni Mitchell

"It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is. It can sustain us through trying times or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices...long after we're gone, love remains burned into our memories."-Mary Alice Young, Desperate Housewives

"People change. Feelings change. It doesn't mean that the love once shared wasn't true and real." -500 Days of Summer

"It slips into your thoughts. It infiltrates your soul. It takes you by surprise, and seizes full control. Try to deny it or try to protest. But love won't let you go, once you've been possessed." -Christine, Love Never Dies

Monday 13 February 2012

Tumblr and other curiosities.

Before I created this blog Tumblr was my go-to destination for writing, image sharing etc. That is until I realised how ineffective a tool it was for writing especially. Anyway, my Tumblr is a place for sharing images which I come across and love or want to reference later. It's kinda like having my own never ending encyclopedia!

Monday Muse

For the next while or so Monday Muse will be centred around people whose sense of style inspires me and countless fashionistas around the globe. So who better to start with than the lady who can pull off crazy chic like no other, Helena Bonham Carter!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

A day at the shops or how I earned the nickname Rebecca Bloomwood.

If you were wondering about the title reference I do in fact get called Becky Bloomwood occasionally, and often told 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' is based on my life. Although I'd like to point out while that may be the case, I don't have debt collectors on my doorstep every five minutes (or ever)!

Anyway yesterday afternoon I ventured out, and did a fair bit of shopping so I decided to document my purchases. What was so special about this shopping trip (to me at least) was that I was able to purchase things I've been wanting for a while because of saving money.'

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Mid-Week Music

"Let hopes pass, let dreams pass, let them die! Without you what are they for? My broken soul can't be alive nor whole, 'til I hear you sing once more."

'Til I Hear You Sing, is the opening number from the reworked production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Love Never Dies' which made its debut in Australia. Love Never Dies is the sequel to the 'Phantom of the Opera' and picks up 10 years after the original piece finished, with the Phantom now hiding in Coney Island. He lures his love Christine to Coney Island with the carnival freaks and oddities, including familiar faces Meg and Madame Giry. I'd say it's very much the Moulin Rouge of the decade as a piece.

And for those of you who either cannot get to Sydney to see this spectacular show in person, or aren't willing to fork out a reasonable sum of money for a ticket, a DVD of the show filmed in Melbourne last year has just been released. It is honestly just like being there watching the show, if not better as it was done in a filmic fashion. So much more detail is emphasised, particularly the characters emotions but more so the set and costume designs, added bonus!

Monday 6 February 2012

Monday Muse(s)

Today it is Waitangi Day which is New Zealand's national holiday, or as I call it 'Kiwi Day'. So to all my New Zealand readers I hope you're having a relaxing day off.  As I accidentally forgot about 'Monday Muse' last week this post will feature two muses. Enjoy!

Friday 3 February 2012

Why late night coffee consumption can be inspirational and not insane.

Inspiration can (and will) be found at the most unexpected of times. That sentiment must be true, Kikki K have the very thing to back this up. While we're on the subject of Kikki K has anyone seen their gorgeous range of Valentines Day products?? I'm not usually a fan of this holiday and its commercialism, but LOOK at this envelope!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Mid-Week Music!

Hi friends! I've been a rather bad blogger as of late, fallen a bit behind for various reasons. Never fear though because I am back and have lots of new posts in the works for you.

This track is called 'Losing My Mind' and is in fact a cover of the original from the musical 'Follies', although I've been told it sounds quite different to that. It's upbeat and an uplifting track which will leave you humming the medley or (if you're me) trying to do the vocal riff partway through.

For those who don't know Laura Michelle Kelly she originated the role of Mary Poppins on the West End, for which she received an Olivier Award, and since then has gone on to reprise the role on Broadway as well as appear on screen in films such as 'Sweeney Todd' where she played Lucy  Barber and the Beggar Woman. She has also released an album 'The Storm Inside' and an EP 'What's It All For'.