Thursday 13 December 2012

Nana Wintour Turns 1!

Can you believe it!? 365 days & 252 posts later. I don't think I realised a year ago that I'd still have something to say on this little corner of the interwebs. Anyway, I'm getting distracted by nostalgia..

What I really wanted to say was a big THANK YOU to each & every one of you who has taken time to read my posts, comment on a post, like my Facebook page & tweet me. It really means so much to me & makes my day, every single time. So thank you.

Blogging has also given me a lot of opportunities & meant I've met a lot of lovely bloggers (you all know who you are) which I am also incredibly grateful for. 

So as an extra way to say thank you to you all I will be running a giveaway! Details will be included in another post later on today so keep an eye out.

Thanks again everyone for visiting & reading my blog!! You are all amazing...Here's to the next 365 days! x