Friday 28 June 2013

The Week #60

The Week in Instagrams @nanawintour: *The best of the High Street beauty offerings *One of my favourite quotes of all time *Watched What A Girl Wants, cue childhood nostalgia *I made cookies and they were pretty darn tasty. Recipe coming soon.. *Britney made this sparkly garland for her TV room *Best buy of the week; this contrast dot top from Glassons *Cookie party at Moustache with Britney *Every day I'm journallin' *New purchases from Mecca Cosmetica arrived *Feeling dotty *Five of the best makeup brushes *Avoiding the cold outside by reading blogs in bed. Cat optional.

Must-Watch of the Week: I was feeling a bit down one morning and decided to check my YouTube subscription box where I found this video that Louise of Sprinkle of Glitter had uploaded. Basically it's 50 facts about her but if you've watched any of Louise's videos before you'll know you're in for a laugh. If you're feeling a bit blah and want to watch entertaining beauty videos then you should check out this one and Louise's channel.

Product of the Week: Origins GinZing Moisturiser has been saving my skin this week. The drop in temperature seems to be making my skin really dry and flaky in places. This oil-free moisturiser is lightweight and revitalizes skin. It absorbs into the skin pretty quickly and I find it doesn't leave a shine to my skin like other moisturisers do. Stay tuned for a full review..

Must-Read of the Week: I've been really getting back into keeping a visual diary lately and it turns out some other people like to keep visual records of positive quotes and compliments they've received, a radical self love journal if you will. Gala of Gala Darling blogged this series of images from one of her reader's radical self love journals and it really got me inspired. Alannah's artwork is gorgeous and there's some inspiring quotes to take note of there as well.

Added to the Wishlist: Not so much an addition to the wishlist but more a reminder of how I still am lusting after the Karen Walker Atomic Black sunglasses. I love these frames and sometimes purposely make a point of going to look at them in a certain department store. Missing out on the limited edition filigree frames seems to make me want these more. Maybe I'll just have to buy a Lotto ticket this weekend..

1 comment:

  1. I always love your instagram photos, and your top is so cute! x
