Friday 5 July 2013

The Week #61

The Week in Instagrams @nanawintour: *The best organic icecream ever, OOB Mint Chocolate chip *Starting Wednesday right with the latest Frankie magazine and a berry tea *A blast from the past, my very first issue of Teen Vogue *Behind the scenes chaos on this post *Tuesday's fotd *I love this sparkly clutch from Colette. 

Must-Watch of the Week: Daily Mix have been running a series over on their channel all week called Beauty Bootcamp to pick a new beauty star to make videos for their channels. The contestants are all really good and the judges include Tanya Burr, Zoe of Zoella, Sam and Nic from Pixiwoo and more. It's really fun to watch..I'm quite sad it's only one week! Definitely go watch the videos if you haven't already.

Product of the Week: Mac matte lipstick in Lady Danger. This cherry red is so vibrant and incredibly long lasting. Seriously, it lasted on my lips through dinner on Tuesday and I didn't need to reapply it. Unlike other mattes it applies quite creamy and if you're after a new red lipstick I'd recommend having a look at this one.

Must-Read of the Week: I haven't done much reading this week but one website I keep going back to is online magazine Nouvelle Daily. Their beauty section has been well thumbed this week. I really enjoyed the Beauty on a Budget post in a particular. Love that Topshop lipstick! If you love fashion, beauty and lifestyle then definitely check out this blog.

Added to the Wishlist: My mini sized Tocca candle has nearly bit the dust so I've got my eye on the full sized version from Mecca. I love this scent and it ends up perfuming my house for most of the day after it's finished burning. Sometimes I just get it out of its box so the scent can fill the room. Another product that's on the wishlist at the moment is Nars creamy concealer in Vanilla which is getting a lot of online love at the moment. It also seems to be the shade that seems to sell out everywhere, including here in New Zealand. Hopefully they'll be back in stock by the time my current one runs out. 

Have a fabulous weekend everyone! I've been doing a bit of writing over on my nzgirl account recently and have some more posts coming up. Like them if they're the kind of posts you like to see. I have also been featured in Popbasic's style guide for their Salut collection. Definitely go have a look at that collection because it is fab. That's also on my wishlist actually..


  1. Really great blogpost idea! :)
    Loved reading it!

    ps. Love your blog and I'm following you on Bloglovin ^^

    Christina xx

    1. Thank you so much! I'll definitely check out your blog. x

  2. Lovely photos, your sparkly clutch is so pretty! x

    1. Thank you so much Ruby. I love it :). It's getting its first outing on Monday. x
