Friday 28 March 2014

The Week #98

The Week in Instagrams @nanawintour: *Life upon the Civic Stage with Jess! I've been buzzing about going backstage at the Civic Theatre in Auckland and standing on the stage graced by many of my favourite musicals all week. *The Essie Fall colour palette arrived last Friday. More on that soon, but I have to say their base coat is fantastic. *Taking my Topshop skirt for a spin to class yesterday, complete with ankle boots and leggings. Hello Autumn. *Doing some visual diary pages earlier in the week in preparation for this course which I have signed up for. *French Pharmacy Gems. *Wearing Unapologetic, one of Revlon's new Matte balms.

Must-Watch of the Week: Lookbook videos aren't usually my favourites to watch, I'd much rather see a fashion outfit blog post personally. This week though I liked seeing Anna's latest lookbook of her capsule wardrobe. Aside from making me a little bit envious that the closest Zara is in Australia, it also served as a reminder that you don't need a tonne of components to make one killer outfit. It's all about how you work with what you have in fashion and how you restyle things to suit. You'll be inspired to give your wardrobe a makeover, I know I was.

Product of the Week: This week hasn't been about a particular product, but more a brand appreciation. Hourglass Cosmetics, I salute you. Sure their liquid lipsticks are a tad uncomfortable on the lips, but everything else I've tried has been well loved and used religiously. Two of their standout products would have to be the Ambient Lighting powder in Dim Light and blush in Mood Exposure. I also love their primer. It leaves your skin feeling velvety smooth and keeps your makeup in place all day. 

Must-Read of the Week: None of the blog posts I've read have really grabbed me this week other than Man Repeller's, although to be fair they are always good. Her post on getting out of a creative funk was relatable. Although be warned, it will make you want to jump ship and go on a holiday. I've also loved a memoir of sorts that I've been reading this week. There's something about words that are perfectly crafted that I just love. It inspires me.

Added to the WishlistBumble and Bumble Pret A Powder-Part volumiser, part dry shampoo. I've always wanted to try a dry shampoo but unappealing scents and potential white-casts put me off. From the reviews I've seen this B&B offering sounds like it's the best of both worlds really. It's a bit pricier than your standard dry shampoo but if it performs, then I am interested.

*I apologise if this post has been a bit of a ramble this week! I'm feeling somewhat scatterbrained at the moment. It's that busy point in the semester where days blur into one. No sooner is one assignment finished, another is knocking on the door waiting to meet you. However, it is Friday and that is cause for celebration! I hope you have a fabulous weekend. If you do have to work, don't work too hard. In between the aforementioned work I'll be taking time for walks, music-listening and some movie watching. Simple pleasures x. 


  1. So jealous you got to go backstage at the Civic - that would have been so cool! I feel you on the assignment thing - Since I'm doing fine arts we have like 6 week assignments and it's so stressful, and we have an essay for another paper that doesn't make sense to me - oh dear!

    Hope you have a stress-free weekend!

    Caitlin | Thistle & Tea

    1. It was so amazing Caitlin! I'm still on such a high about it. Oh gosh-6 weeks, that does sound intense. All the best for your assignments. x

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I can never find half the Zara things that UK bloggers talk about in the AUS Zara, which is no where near as good :(. I also am loving Hourglass at the moment! Have you tried their arch brow sculpting pencil? It's amazing xx

    1. Aww. Yeah I noticed when I was in Melbourne I could only find the City bags in garish colours :(. It's still better than no Zara at all! I completely forgot ot mention their Brow Sculpting pencil. I have that and love it to pieces. x
