Monday 21 July 2014

Beauty Memories

I took a little trip down memory lane recently when I stumbled upon some reasonably old photos. They were from '08, the days when all of us seemed to use the built in editing tools to overexpose and oversaturate the heck out of our pictures. While it's difficult to make out exactly what makeup I was wearing, I was crazy about the black 'liner, this to be exact. Anyway, it got me thinking about the makeup I used to wear from the 'firsts' to the faux pas...

Fragrance Firsts-So my first perfume was a freebie bottle of Glow by JLo which at the time I thought was the bee's knees. Then I moved onto Coco Mademoiselle, which was a favourite of an old friend of mine. Faux pas? Absolutely not! I loved, and still do love this fragrance. It's a difficult one to describe but once you spritz this you're bound to recognise it. This one's forever on my wishlist to pick up again.

Glittery Eyes-Eyeshadows with sponge applicators, silver or white were my colour preferences of choice. That makes me cringe just thinking of that now. I also used to wear Mac Reflects Pearl Glitter to school. Subtle right? While my love for glittery eyeshadow hasn't changed it's certainly toned down a tad. My Mac palette above should be a case in point.

Bad Lipstick Decisions-I can't remember where exactly I first discovered Mac Cosmetics but their Barbie campaign is what started my interest. The first lipstick I ever purchased from them was Creme D'Nude. Yep. That one. I'm not sure why it's marketed at paler people, maybe it just didn't suit me, but it was awful. Think 'your lips, but worse, and concealed'. Bad call #1. #2 was the first Viva Glam Gaga lipstick. I was obsessed with Lady Gaga at the time and probably didn't think too much of the colour. Again, it just looked awful on me. Something about those Saint Germain-esque shades just never looks right on me. 

The One Where We All Wanted High End Gloss-Who recalls the obsession with Lancome Juicy Tubes? Those delicious, ridiculously expensive lipglosses that we all seemed to want. I remember having two, the raspberry and marshmallow scented ones. It's been so long since I used these that I can't remember an awful lot about them. Aside from their delicious scent they didn't have an awful lot going for them and I remember them being ridiculously sticky. Yet we all still wore them..

-What's one of your early beauty memories?

*Have a super Monday everyone!! I'm back to Uni today *sad face*. Well, it's not all sad, in fact some of it's potentially going to be quite exciting. I'm just sad to be losing sleep ins but y'know, there's always the weekend for that! x


  1. I think one of my early beauty memories was eyeliner. Just a fair amount of eyeliner (thankfully I didn't go all goth on it) all the time and nothing else - mainly because school didn't allow makeup - was being a bit of a rebel :p

    Caitlin | Thistle & Tea

  2. I still have a juicy tube! I used to wear too much glitter and very clumsy eyeliner - mum should have told me to sharpen my eyeliner pencil.

  3. She should have! My 'liner was always really clumsy too, not close enough to the lashline and too firmly applied. Cringe. x

  4. Oh yeah, I remember the liquid liner phase well. That was popular among some of the girls at my school. Not that it was the most subtle of looks! Yeah, eyeliner and lipgloss were popular for me at school-even though I'm pretty sure we weren't meant to wear makeup. x

  5. I probably would not have taken her helpful advice very well actually!

  6. Pretty sure my first item of makeup was a duo of eyeshadows from a Sabrina the Teenage Witch magazine. classy ;) one was bright blue and one was bright purple. and I did not know how to blend. Disaster ensued.

  7. My beauty memories include the MAC Diana Ross collection (I'M SO OLD!) and that MAC Barbie collection too... Don't cringe but I kept two things from it (they go unused because um hygiene but I just can't part with them). I also used to wear MAC Swish everyday with a lychee flavoured Juicy Tube...

  8. Oh I can understand that. I bet the packaging was gorgeous x.

  9. Coco Mademoiselle is so beautiful - best scent! I am so glad I avoided the sparkly eye phase for me it was definitely emo eyes.

  10. Seriously obsessed with your new blog Sophie! It looks so polished and professional :D And I think everyone has a special place in their heart for Chanel perfume - my mum wears Coco and whenever someone is wearing it I can tell instantly because it's my mum's signature scent. It brings back lovely memories of childhood and just is the essence of my mum. Isn't it wonderful?! The power perfumes have over you!? xx

  11. Ahhh yes, falling for those high-end lip products. Gets me every time I'm in the department store ;)

  12. Haha the emo eyes. They belong back in 2007.

  13. Yep!! Mac counters are deadly like that.

  14. Thanks Maria! That's so lovely. I totally agree, perfume can conjure the best memories. x
