Friday 18 July 2014

The Week #114

Bejewelled Eyeshadow Crayons-I love shimmery, neutral-toned eyeshadows year round but they really seem to come out to play a whole lot more at this time of year. Rimmel's Bad Girl Bronze and By Terry's Misty Rock have both been on high rotation this week. A quick swipe and blending job with these will leave you with gorgeous, bejewelled lids. Lurve. 

Beauty Lover's Heaven-One day a plunge will be taken on the Muji Website, with a little help from a mail forwarding service. Until that happens, I will stare at my screen admiring the Ikea and Muji setups of some of my favourite bloggers. Kate has recently moved flats and shared her updated makeup storage. I love the look of this Ikea desk but my room just isn't big enough for it. *sad face* Anyway, go have a read, and a swoon. Stare longingly at that new Marc Jacobs perfume bottle too. When is that out here? Maybe I shouldn't be told about that....

YouTuber Whispers-You know those days when you just need some hilarious YouTube viewing? Miranda Sings is usually my go-to but I'd seen gifs of Joe's YouTuber Whispers series floating around on Tumblr and went off in search of them. It's basically like Chinese Whispers, with statements about YouTubers and players have insanely loud music going through their headphones, so lip reading is the only option. It's harder than it sounds and had me laughing so hard I started crying. Check them out here

An Investment Piece-What is it about rose gold that's just so alluring? Is it the in-between hue for those who aren't gold or silver people. Whatever it is, it never fails to attract my attention. Britney recently got these headphones for her birthday and they are so pretty. Attractiveness aside, apparently the sound quality is awesome too. I'm tempted, and not just because I've been using those awful Apple headphones for longer than I should have..

The One Where I Don't Go Makeup Shopping-Yep, you read right. Occasionally I go through decor inspired phases, often around Christmas and I'm never not lusting after Bath and Body Works candles. There's also that magazine I love, a stunning fuschia pink lip product and some other odds and ends.

A New Look-My redesign has probably been mentioned to everybody I know this week #sorrynotsorry. I just love it so much and am so happy with how it came out. I designed this new logo+banner for my Facebook page and eventual business cards too. I love me a good makeover clearly.


  1. I invested in those particular rose gold headphones - I can't wait for them to arrive! They're so pretty!

    Can't get over how good your blog is looking - yay for makeovers :)

    Caitlin | Thistle & Tea

  2. Oh wow. That's exciting! Maybe I will have to follow suit. Thanks Caitlin xx

  3. I have wanted those headphones for soooo long. Loving the blog's new look too! x

  4. Those headphones are gorgeous! Love the Youtuber Whispers videos, was hilarious ;p

    Ashley |

  5. They're so pretty right!? Thanks Nina xx

  6. The Youtuber Whispers video was so funny!
