Thursday 31 July 2014

The Week #116

Print frenzy-Lately I've been really getting back into fashion blogs, I think for me it's a nice refresher when the majority of my blog reading comes from the beauty domain. I loved this post over on Jane's blog Sea of Shoes, a blog I've been reading for yonks. She always takes pictures in the most gorgeous settings and her style is so...lustworthy. It's getting me all excited for Summer and fun prints.

Skincare Regrets-There's a lotta information out there about skincare now, particularly on some of our favourite blogs. I see loads of people talking about how oil on oily skin is okay. Whenever I try this it only seems to worsen my skin. Jenny shared this great post on some skincare rules that are thrown about that either didn't work for her or in contrast worked amazingly. I found myself nodding away at what didn't work; oils, cleansing balms and the like. Moral of the story? Always try to get samples where you can before you invest in something expensive that may just make your skin worse.

That time I got far too excited about limited edition chocolate-Look at that satisfied face. That is the face of someone who had pursued various supermarkets over the course of twelve hours in hunt of Hundreds and Thousands chocolate. Don't judge me, I was not the only one. Britney was also part of this quest. I even picked up some for one of my overseas blogging friends to try. It seems to be a love-hate thing but I love this chocolate. 

Stella's had a makeover-It's no secret that I love Stella McCartney's perfumes, but sadly I do not own any of them myself. That does not stop me spritzing them in stores whenever I spy the tester bottles floating around. Well, Stella's signature scent has had a revamp and I love it! Not that the original bottle wasn't stunning, but I just love this new design. I'm adding this one to the wishlist as we speak..

Makeup goodness aplenty-Zoe or Zoella as she is also known uploaded her highly anticipated makeup collection this week. I'm sure you'd probably think it would be an hour long affair, but her collection actually seems quite tame compared to some of the hardcore beauty addicts. She split the collection up into multiple videos too so if lipgloss isn't your thing you can skip that one out. It was all really well done and beautifully filmed, standard with Zoe's videos.

*Have an amazing weekend guys! I'm quite excited (not gonna lie) because it's my birthday on Sunday and while I don't really have any concrete plans for the actual day I'm still looking forward to it. The Makeup Obsessives Auckland meetup is happening though so I will probably head to that for a little bit. Other than that my weekend is probably just the usual combo of Uni work (I have readings to catch up on and assignments to start, ugh), sleeping and blogging. Thank goodness it's nearly Friday though, this week was a little bit of a killer. x


  1. I'd completely forgotten about Sea of Shoes - I used to read it years ago! Ah that chocolate - love love love it!!!

    Hannah | A Lovely Look

  2. I think I remember seeing her featured in Teen Vogue a few years back and was hooked from that point on! Jane and her Mum take such amazing photos. Yes I am rather fond of that chocolate, which is such a bad thing! xx

  3. Gosh, I used to read Sea of Shoes! Thanks for reminding me about that one, Sophie. I loved Zoe's make-up collection video too, splitting up the sections was such a clever idea, right?! I still watched all of them though... Also, I can't remember whether I ever told you, but I love the new look on Nana Wintour! x

  4. No worries Ruby!! I really need to get back into reading her blog, and Man Repeller's. Yes it was so well done! She has such gorgeous storage too. I think I may have to go back and watch them all because I was quite tired initially. Thanks for your lovely comment xx

  5. Zoe's make up collection video was perfect, I'm so glad she did it the way she did. I hope you get a bit of a break after your killer week, relax girl!

  6. Same! And thanks Sky-Today looks set to be a rainy one so no doubt I'll find time indoors to relax among the assignments. Have a good weekend too xo

  7. Zoe's videos were so good! I really liked her idea for separating them into different videos :)

    Caitlin | Thistle & Tea

  8. I agree! Such a great idea-something to keep in mind if ever my videos get way too long x
