Sunday 14 September 2014

A Book Haul

Why hello there everybody. It's haul time again. This time, it's all about the reading material. I've done a bit of Book Depository trawling recently and was also lucky enough to receive some of the books you see above so I thought, rather than write a lengthy post about them all, I'd whack them into a ten minute video for y'all instead. You can check it out below or over on YouTube instead if you fancy. If you're not yet subscribed to me, it'd make my day if you subscribed to my channel too. 

*What have you read lately? Let me know in the comments! x




  1. If I Stay is SO good. I loved it.

    I'm still trying to finish #GIRLBOSS - love love loving it but struggling to find the time!

  2. That's good to hear-I'm looking forward to reading that one xx
