Monday 17 November 2014

A DIY Art Wall

I've wanted to showcase my prints and photos that I collect on my wall for the longest time and have even considered framing them. Sadly though framing is expensive, especially when you have to get custom frames made for you. Well I've seen washi tape art walls all over the show, from Nouvelle Daily to Lily Pebbles' blogs, and I decided to put one together using my own art bits'n bobs. This technically isn't on the wall yet because I'm waiting until they're repainted. This DIY is so easy though! If you want to find out how I did this then keep reading...

What You Will Need

*An A3 sheet of black card or paper.
*An assortment of prints, cards and photos.
*Trusty scissors.
*A ruler.
*Washi Tape. I've got quite the problem obsession with gold washi tape at the moment so that's what I chose for my wall.


*Select your items for your wall gallery. I opted for a selection of prints, cards, Taylor Swift Polaroids and an Audrey Hepburn photo which was in an old calendar. I'll link these prints and things below x.

*Lay the images out on your black card and play around with how you want them arranged. I had a variety of different sizes so I played around with the order to mix it up. I also had a few quotes and phrases so I tried to separate those so the text wasn't all in one corner.

*Once you've settled on an order you can then trace around the images on the black card, label them and then cut the black card out. Now I didn't do this but you can label each print on the black card and then move them around on your wall to see how the layout will look. 

*Grab your Washi tape and get sticking! I opted for a gold chevron tape and then a gold striped one but if you want something that isn't patterned you could just use plain coloured Washi tape instead. I chose to do some with just tape in the corners and then used longer strips on the larger prints. It's entirely up to you what you do here. This is just what I liked.

*Stand back and admire your handiwork. Here's what my finished 'wall' looked like:

Voila! Let me know if you enjoyed this DIY.

*What would be on your DIY wall?

Prints+Images Used

*Je T'aime Card, Rifle Paper Co.
*C'est La Vie Print, Society 6.
*Deer Cat Print, Bird in a Bunny Suit
*Taylor Swift Polaroid, part of the 1989 Deluxe Edition.
*Bill Cunningham Quote, from a set of fashion cards at Kikki K a couple of years back.
*Audrey Hepburn photo from an old calendar. They usually include this in most Audrey calendars when they're released so you're bound to find it in there or any Audrey photo books.


  1. Ooh this will look amazing on your wall, love all your prints! Washi tape makes everything look cool :)

  2. Thanks Caitlin! I totally agree. Washi tape is the best. xx

  3. love your art wall! I've been working on one too. It's so fun to collect the little pieces and see how they work together!

  4. Thanks Jess! You should blog about yours x

  5. LOVE the Gilmore Girls postcard <3

  6. So awesome right Laura!? They're really high-quality cards too x

  7. Such a good idea! I love that Grumpy Cat card! Does washi tape damage walls, by the way? I'd love to do something like this in my university room, but I'm scared it'll damage the paint like blue tac sometimes does x

  8. Thanks Ruby! It's so cute that Grumpy Cat one-I believe you can get it on ASOS in case you're interested. Hmm, I've not had problems with it so far but you could always get some cheap frames and washi tape 'em+hang them with those detachable hook things. Do you know what I mean?? S x
