Friday 21 November 2014

The Week #131

We are infinite-Sometimes I do things on a whim like spend an hour browsing the Auckland City Library. Aside from a ridiculously brilliant selection of books they also have a ton of CD's and sheet music. I hired The Perks of Being a Wallflower soundtrack and it didn't disappoint. Fans of the movie should know that though. My favourite track so far is Heroes or the 'tunnel song' as it's better known.

Barbarella-My friend and I made a little order through recently and I added this Nars lipstick to my basket. It looks scary orange in that picture but because it's more on the sheer side it doesn't look too orange on. I'd say it's more of a peachy pink with the subtlest hint of orange. It's just beautiful. It wears really well too and doesn't feel drying. 

My new favourite bookshop-We used to have a lot of really great bookstores in NZ but many of them have since disappeared. Thankfully some of the best independent bookstores still exist and one of my favourites at the moment is Time Out in Mt Eden. It's not the biggest of stores but they pack a hefty amount of books into their little shop. They have a bit of everything, and there's even a shop cat who makes appearances from time to time. If you're in Auckland it's well worth the visit. 

Man Repeller and Iris Apfel-Leandra Medine and Iris Apfel, two of my favourite fashionable women got together recently and aside from an adorable photoshoot, they also filmed a video and my corner of the internet exploded. They both have such a brilliant approach to fashion.

Snow in Summer-Fun fact. I have never seen Snow in real life. Ever. Do I feel deprived? Not really. Okay, maybe just a tad. Maybe I can "fake it 'til I make it" with this Instant White Snow from Kikki K. It looks awesome! I was playing with it at the counter in store the other day, because I act like an adult when I'm alone *ahem*. If you too haven't seen Snow then maybe you should pick some up for yourself this weekend.


  1. I loved the Iris Apfel/Man Repeller interview. It made me smile and cry in the space of a minute!

  2. Agreed, that interview was amazing. I've seen snow many a time, and yes you are missing out - it is a great feeling waking up to look outside to everything covered in snow, let me tell you! Hope you had a great week Sophie! x

  3. Barbarella looks like the perfect summer time lipstick! I also love the idea of fake snow because it has been yonks since I have touched real snow! (that one time it snowed in Welly back in 2011) x

  4. It is so beautiful! You should get it Nina...and the snow. x

  5. Isn't it such a perfect soundtrack? I've got it going now while I clean my room-glamorous ha? And thank you Davina-that is so lovely x
