Friday 12 December 2014

The Week #134

Maketu-Now truth be told I don't think I have ever been to Maketu, the town which inspired this gorgeous design by Amber Whitecliffe*. After seeing Tara+Ellen and also Helena make it look so darn fabulous, I knew it was going to be the piece from her Mrs Pinto collection that would make it into my wardrobe. The matching shorts are pretty cute too. The question is, do I need them?

She & Him cover all the songs-If you don't know who She & Him are and like a bit of indie pop+old school tunes (Side note: I should've got Britney to describe them for me) then you're going to like these peeps. Zooey Deschanel does the majority of the vocals while M. Ward is responsible for the instrumental odds & sods. They've recently released a new album and covered one of my favourite Beach Boys songs for an episode of New Girl. God only know where I'd be without them...

My new favourite decor haunt-If you've paid a trip to Newmarket recently you are bound to have noticed Flo and Frankie. Aside from a clothing store they also have a home decor shop right next door. I'm not gonna lie, I could spend ages in that little shop. It's packed to the brim with gorgeous homeware pieces and gift ideas, like this pineapple you see above. They also stock some of the Garance Dore by Rifle Paper Co. pieces I mentioned in my video on Wednesday too. 

The cat I'm obsessed with-Now I love my cat, and cats in general really but I'm not sure I've ever mentioned Choupette Lagerfeld before. Karl Lagerfeld's famous cat is just so cute! I recently got this book out of the library and it was so adorable. If you've got a cat+fashion lover in your life this would make such a cute Christmas gift for them.

A bag I'd buy if I won the lottery-*cue 'If I Was A Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani*. I feel like everyone needs to have at least one crazy statement piece in their wardrobe and if I had the $$ I'd totally buy this Chloe Clutch from Lulu Guiness. It's simple, but that red lipstick on the top really adds a little somethin' somethin' if you know what I mean? 

-Have the best weekend everyone! I've actually had a surprisingly busy week with some last minute Christmas shopping going on (note to self: avoid the shops next week), catch ups with some of my friends and also a vocal workshop. I'm auditioning for a production of Rent at my local theatre company tomorrow which is both exciting and scary in equal measures. I had such a good time at the vocal workshop last night and left the theatre absolutely buzzing so'd be pretty awesome to get in. What else..I have a party this weekend and a whole lotta blog posts to write. Keep an eye out for some going up over the weekend *ooh mysterious...* x

*Gifted product


  1. ha! I've been listening to the She + Him chirstmas album all week!! I need to listen to their new covers. Loved their Blondie one. Just thought it was perf.

  2. Also goodluck for your audition!!

  3. Awesome! :D I've not listened to Classics (their new cover album yet) so I'm looking forward to hearing it today x

  4. and thankyou! I am SO nervous but also so excited so they kinda balance each other out haha.

  5. You know I'd be all about that lipstick clutch! I read about Choupette's new makeup line on another blog, so cute!

  6. Love love love the She and Him cover, I just listened to it! Also, god luck on the audition! x

  7. Oh my gosh yes! You need that clutch. The Shupette makeup?? My friend picked some of that up & it looks so adorable. x

  8. It's so good right!? I've had it on repeat the last few days not gonna lie. Thanks Ruby xx

  9. How did your audition go!? OMG Choupette is so cute!!!

  10. It was alright thanks Meagan! I forgot how scary it is standing by yourself on stage in front of people. Nowhere to hide haha. Choupette is adorable-I totally want one of those cats now. x
