Monday 19 January 2015

12 Blogs To Read in '15

Some people start their mornings with the daily newspaper, I start mine with a scroll through my Bloglovin feed. I have my favourites which I read religiously but I'm always on the lookout for new reads to find and be enchanted by. Today I thought I'd share twelve blogs you should read in 2015. Some of these are old favourites but many are new discoveries for me. I hope you find them inspiring and perhaps add some more to your Bloglovin feed..

-Oh Flower Child: Some of my favourite blog discoveries of late have been found through good ol' Instagram. Emma's was no exception. Her beautiful pictures flow across to her blog as well and she shares a range of posts on art, books, beauty and a whole bunch of inspiring things.

-Nubby Twiglet:Slightly off topic but Shauna has the most aesthetically pleasing, mobile-friendly site ever. I was looking at her blog on my phone earlier and it's just beautiful. Shauna's a graphic designer and her love of design and well-focused, composed images is showcased on Nubby Twiglet. She posts a range of rad content and it never fails to inspire me. Design buffs and lifestyle content lovers, you'll enjoy this corner of the interweb.

-Lovely Rose Petal: Albertine is another babe from NZ who has an incredibly awesome blog. She loves beauty, books and sharing her favourite inspirational finds. She also does pretty fab tutorials over on her YouTube channel which you should check out too.

-Beauty Minded: Belgian babe Katia loves all things beauty and she takes the most stunning pictures. She features the best of the best, whether it be drugstore or high-end and writes such detailed reviews. We have similar taste in makeup and beauty brands so I know when she features something that I am going to be bound to love it too. It's a great blog to check out if you're wanting to do a spot of beauty shopping.

-writing in red lipstick: I found Jess' blog through Caelan last year and I am so glad I did. We did a book swap last year and got to know each other a bit more and have lots of similar interests which is awesome. Anyway, Jess is a very creative person. She loves art, books, Peppermint Mochas and beauty. She's recently converted to using cruelty-free beauty products and I'm finding it interesting seeing what products she loves from these brands.

-The Daily Sass: Caelan's blog was one I stumbled upon after finding her Alexa Chung Eyeko video last year. Her bio perfectly sums up her blog: feminism, fashion and fotography. She's also an excellent writer and I love reading the posts about her life. Seriously, Vanity Fair or the New Yorker should hire her.

-Man Repeller: Man Repeller's team of writers, headed by Leandra Medine upload several times a day. There's rarely a day when there's not at least one or two things that I read and find myself smiling and nodding over as a result. They talk fashion, beauty, pop culture and life, and I love it. It's like reading a transcript of a discussion with your highly cultured, intelligent BFF's. Don't ever change MR.

-What Olivia Did: I'll be honest, I don't really look at fashion blogs as much as I used to but when I find a good one, I tend to revisit it often. Olivia's blog takes the cake. Fashion, lifestyle and the odd beauty post thrown in for good measure. Her photos are always amazing as is her writing. She also has rather fabulous style if I do say so myself. Check it out.

-Into The Gloss: I read a lot of international beauty blogs, it's the best way of finding out what's going to be released and ITG has to be one of my favourites. Their Top Shelf feature never fails to disappoint and I always look forward to those posts. Their product round-ups are worth keeping an eye out for as well.

-Views of Now: Izzy and I have been blogging-pals for close to three years now. I know I'm going to sound like such a fangirl, but she has come so far with her blog and her style. Her styling is always spot-on and her pictures look straight like an editorial from a top fashion magazine. She's incredibly good at what she does and I suggest you check her blog out because the girl is going places.

-Scout and Company: Slightly biased here as Britney is one of my friends and all-time favourite people. As well as posting wicked outfit posts, life posts and playlists, she also shares incredibly awesome videos that she makes. Seriously, Britney edits like a boss. Her style is also giving me major Alexa vibes at the moment. Go visit her blog if you need a dose of coolness.

-Tea and Sage: Again, ever so slightly biased as Amy is another of my friends. Tea and Sage is all about wellness, living the life you love and of course a bit of wanderlust. She takes stunning photos of some truly breathtaking places in New Zealand and shares some rather delicious, healthy recipes along the way.

*Which blogs do you read and love?


  1. look at you being the sweetest girl ever! I've gotta get my blogroll up and running and you can bet you'll have a spot right on top of it!

  2. Aww! You're so lovely as well & your blog is wicked. x

  3. Aw thanks for mentioning my blog Sophie! You are so very sweet! xxx

  4. Here I am reading about all these amazing blogs I need to read and then I see mine is on the list. You are the best Sophie! I also love this photo, all the gold is just gorgeous!

  5. Awww. No worries lovely! Your blog is radtastic. xx

  6. Thank you for sharing.
    Nie to discover!
