Wednesday 28 January 2015

Summer in Pictures, so far!

Summer is one of my favourite seasons and whilst I whinge a little bit about the heat, I secretly love it. January's been a somewhat busy month, and while I didn't take my camera with me everywhere, I tried to document some of my adventures+activities where I could. If you enjoy this I might try to make it a seasonal thing. Anyway, here's some of what I've snapped in Summer..

*I've started using my visual journal to document my inspiration again. I've really enjoyed doing this so I might make a post about it if you're interested.

*Gingerella on the side of a building in Wellington. I tried finding a bottle of it whilst I was down there but couldn't. The packaging is pretty darn rad though.

I had a little Golden Globes viewing party for one. Basically all of my picks to win left award-less but it was fun watching it anyway. Tina Fey & Amy Poehler's monologue was worth the two/three hours alone.

A window display that I loved in Wellington and a card from my Kikki K set. 

A little snippet inside my 2015 diary. Those shadows are from my hair (I think) which looks insane! Bed head ftw.

The gorgeous sunset outside my bedroom window one night last week. I've always loved shadows and silhouettes so I had to include the bushes in this picture too.

Unity Books in Wellington. One of my favourite bookstores in New Zealand. There's also one in Auckland too. While I don't always buy books when I'm there, I always visit it for a browse if I am near one.

Inside the Yvonne Todd exhibition at City Gallery Wellington. Loved those beaded gowns! She also had her collection of Sweet Valley High books on display and journals which I loved seeing.

*I hope you've enjoyed this little look at what my lens has been documenting over the last month or so. This week's been loverly so far. Yesterday I went to a launch for a new micellar water from Simple. I'll report back in a post next month. Today I'm heading out to mini golf and one of my besties gets back to NZ today! She's been gone for six months and I have missed her a ridiculous amount so I am looking forward to seeing her at the airport. I hope your week's are going awesome. x


  1. Ahh you went to Yvonne's exhibition! She was my studio lecturer in my final year of uni, she's so amazing.

  2. Oh wow. That's pretty cool! Yeah it was an awesome exhibit.
