Friday 10 April 2015

The Week #150

Weekend Reads: This weekend looks set to be rainy and miserable here in Auckland which means reading and movie-watching are entirely justifiable activities, right? I've actually not done too much reading lately as I'm waiting for a book I'm reviewing to turn up but I'm almost done with Richard Ayoade's book. It's brilliant and if you're a fan of his, you need to read it. Deliciously Ella sparked my interest after seeing a few bloggers raving about the sweet potato brownies, which sound delish. Maybe it'll inspire me to get creative+healthy in the kitchen..

Un-Powder: Thanks to a Tanya Burr tutorial a few years back, a compact of setting powder has never been far from my beauty collection. The finely milled, translucent powders help to keep your makeup in place, stop shine showing through and even add a touch of radiance to the complexion. They're staples basically. Anna's rounded up four of the best and there's some absolute winners in there. I can vouch that the Hourglass Ambient Lighting powders are amazing but from what I've heard the Bourjois powder is pretty fab too.

Florence Returns: One of my favourite artists of all time, Florence Welch is releasing a new album this year. It's been a long time coming and I'm really quite excited by the prospect of new music and hopeful that she'll come back to Auckland on her potential world tour. Her album's not out for another month or so yet but she's dropped a couple of tracks off the album to keep us entertained in the meantime. Ship To Wreck is my favourite track so far. I'm so excited for the new album guys. *gets starry eyed*

Miss Independent: Too often in the media, whether it be films or novels, women are depicted as aspiring to love. You're supposed to want 'the one', not the career or whatever other ambitions you have. I realise I'm generalising but if you look at a lot of films, more so rom coms, you'll realise how accurate it is. I've been reading the latest issue of Miss Vogue Australia and there's a really brilliant article quashing those ideals and supporting an approach to life that puts you in charge. I found it really resonated with me and it was brilliantly written. If you can track down Issue 3 still, do it.

A Hydro-Boost: My skin's really done a bit of a 180 recently and errs much more on the dry side of things at the moment. It's probably down to the fact I've been ill but my skin's felt so zapped of moisture. Thankfully Neutrogena's Hydro Boost range exists! I was sent the eye gel and moisturiser and they've been making the world of difference. They're available at such an affordable price point too. I'll do a review of them sometime soon but in the meantime, you should read Morgan's post about why they're so great.

-As always, have the raddest of weekends everyone! As I write this I'm on the verge of dozing off, and it's only just gone 3pm. Oh dear. My weekend's going to consist of movie watching, because there's genuinely nothing on at the cinema I want to see. I've also got to go birthday present shopping at some point and to work. Speaking of work, I have a job interview on Tuesday so keep your fingers crossed. x


  1. Speaking of healthy eats, I've been stalking Madeline Shaw's website recently for yummy healthy recipes, you should check her out! That Vogue article sounds interesting! The book I'm reading at the moment has such a lame conveniently thrown in love story (it's a crime book) and I feel like so often female characters are just there to provide a love interest, ugh. Great post :)

  2. Thanks for the recommendation-I'll definitely check out her site. x

  3. Id suggest you to get a decent cookbook with protein/carb amount already added into recipes so you could plan your healthy meals more accurately.

  4. Oh really? Thanks for the tip.
