Friday 24 June 2016

Unglamorous Beauty

Unglamorous beauty; the dark horse, the elephant in the room, the beauty rituals and routines that we don't tend to talk about. I feel like there's a bit of a stigma around the unglamorous side of beauty, whether it's bleaching your upper lip or adult acne. Okay, there may be less of a stigma around the latter. Doesn't acne suck!? Today I thought I'd talk about some of the less glamorous beauty tools and products I reach for. After all, there's more to beauty than just a flawless base and brows that are on-point 24/7...

The Brow Tamers+Stray Hair Essentials: Ahh tweezers. I love and hate them all in one go. Tweezing is something I find painful as anything. In fact I had my brows waxed and shaped last week and by far the worst part of the process for me was the tweezing. Yes, I'm a wimp. Yes you'd have to pay me good money to get my brows threaded. I use some QVS ones, they're nothing fancy although they are pink so they have that going for them. Like I said, I love/hate my tweezers all the time but they're good for keeping Frida and Kahlo under control. Props to you if you get that Princess Mia reference...

Face Masks, aka the substances that catapult attractiveness: Note the sarcasm, although I have to say sheet masks might be the worst for this. Does anyone not look terrifying in those? As I said last week, face masks are like a good friend. While they're not the most unglamorous of things per se, they're pretty scary looking! Although they do a good job of fixing skin up. Props to the face masks that are weird colours, textures or material, ahem, sheet masks....

Bleach: I'm sure we all know by now that bleach doesn't just belong on your head. It can be used for brows and moustaches. Yep, I use bleach to tint my unwanted, dark facial hair. Ugh. This is one beauty process I don't enjoy, simply because I find it so tedious and pretty ineffective given it needs redoing every alternate week or so. I could just get it waxed I suppose but given my low pain tolerance I doubt that'd go down well. I use whichever one they sell at the supermarket-it's 20-ish dollars I think. It smells rank but it does the trick so I can't complain. 

Dry Shampoo: This really isn't unglam although given how bad dry shampoo looks in dark hair unblended, it may as well be. Whoever invented dry shampoo is a godsend though. For people like me who don't like washing their hair, it's the best thing ever. I did use Pret A Powder until I misplaced it so now I just have a can of Batiste. As I said, it does require a bit of work to disguise it in your hair, especially if you have darker hair but it helps to prolong that second-day hair goodness for a day or two more. 

-What are your unglamorous beauty rituals/products?

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