Monday 21 November 2016

The Melbourne Photo Diaries, '16 Edition

Hello and happy Monday to you all. If you like photos, you are in for a treat as today's post is laden with a lot of them. I love compiling these travel diaries for myself more than anything so I can go back and look at them later on but I hope you enjoy seeing my photos too. I'm missing Melbourne even more today as I start Summer School-adventuring sounds much more fun! Anyway, photos and captions below. Enjoy..

-A selection of fashion and beauty books in the Dymocks on Collins Street. Shortly after taking this I discovered the no cameras signage. Whoops. Dymocks is fantastic though and I wish we still had them in NZ. 

-My favourite, favourite view of Melbourne, looking back onto the city from the Shrine of Remembrance steps. Whenever I come here, this is a mandatory thing and soaking in the surrounds never fails to put a smile on my face. 

-The iPhone snaps, part #1: *Reading Zoe Foster Blake's novel The Wrong Girl on the train to South Yarra. Amused Melbournites will note that is only two stops from Flinders Street. Probably not worth taking a book. *Saying 'peace out' to Melbourne on my last day. Those shorts are from H&M and are the comfiest things ever. A++ would recommend. *Inside the stunning Princess Theatre, waiting to watch Matilda: The Musical. One of the many highlights of this week for me. *A sculpture I stumbled upon en route to the NGV for the second time. *I have a bit of a thing for decadent, borderline tacky Christmas decorations like this. While I didn't end up buying this, I did admire it for a while. This was inside the amazing Christmas shop at Queen Vic markets. Open year-round (I think), *A rose to gift to a stranger. I'll let this caption fill you in.

-I've totally blanked on the name of this park but it isn't far from the Yarra River and Federation Square. Anyway, tangent aside, the day I visited here was beautiful and I had to take a picture of these palm trees whilst looking up.

-Inside the exquisite Viktor and Rolf exhibit at the NGV. I think I've raved about this to every single one of my friends now. Well anyone who will listen to be fair. It's amazing and if you are in Melbourne, do yourself a favour and go see it. It does not disappoint. 

-Outside the Princess Theatre in Melbourne. I swear the theatres in Melbourne are some of the most beautiful in the world. Don't get me wrong, The Civic in Auckland is stunning but theirs are next level. 

-The iPhone snaps, part #2: *Inside the Block Arcade, home to the notoriously busy Hopetoun Tea Rooms and rather dazzling floors like these. *Wallpaper inside the Viktor and Rolf exhibition. Myself and a few of the ladies were all admiring this and talking about how we wanted to deck out our walls in it. In fact, you could actually buy it there I believe. *Kate Spade has a store inside the Emporium building and my goodness, it was fabulous. The prices made me cry of course but her things are beautiful to look at.

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