Monday 16 October 2017

6 Ways I Practice Self Care

The concept of self-care is probably 2017's equivalent of hygge. We're wary of the ways of the world, as Solange pointed out and now more than ever it feels more important to be kind to ourselves first and foremost. Personally I find taking time out for myself, regardless of what is happening around me, makes such a difference to my overall mental health. Today I thought I'd share six ways in which I practice self-care or ways I try to be kind to myself. I certainly need to practice what I preach sometimes but hey, nobody is perfect...

1) Keep a diary. As someone who thinks a lot it only makes sense that I'd find this soothing. I have a couple of different journals, more on that later in the month but for me this helps me to make sense of things. I also keep one where I write about positive moments from each day but yeah. I'm spoiling the basis of one of my blog posts so I'll move on to numero dos. 

2) Go for walks. I do not run, unless limited edition makeup is involved. In seriousness, I love walking. If I find I need a breather, I take myself for a walk. It needn't be far afield, although a tranquil setting does help. I have a few breaks during my workday and I try to spend at least one, if not all of them going for a wander. Some of my favourite places to wander are around gardens but I also enjoy just meandering around cities, laneways and things too. 

3) Watch a TV show/catch up on YouTube. Preferably without phones nearby although this isn't always possible. I do like to zone out when I'm watching something I enjoy though. At the moment I'm watching Big Little Lies and also the new episodes of Will and Grace

4. Read. As Matilda Wormwood would say "Oh yes, I love to read." Magazines, novels, poetry. I love it. I try to always take some form of reading material with me on my commute to and from work and am notorious for overpacking books when I travel. They're my paper security blanket I guess.

5. Throw on glitter eyeshadow or bright lipstick. Heck if you want to go bold, why not rock both at the same time? You do you. I know the idea of makeup and self confidence can be dismissed as frivolous or silly but it's hard not to feel good when you're wearing one or the other. My go-to's are the Stila Liquid Metal shadows or something like MAC Impassioned or Lancome Idole lipsticks.

6. Talk. Whether that be to a friend, counsellor, someone you think is rad on Twitter. Whether it be heavy or light. Talking is the freaking best. You never know what you will learn.

-How do you practice self care?

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