Tuesday 31 October 2017

October Favourites

It's astounding, time is fleeting-can you tell I'm in a bit of a spooky mood today? I'm not usually a huge celebrator of Halloween but my office has been decked out to look like a creepy haunted space/asylum so I'm feeling the mood. That and all going to plan I will have a major red eye+bloody lip situation going on today. Anyway, spookiness aside, today I have my October Favourites to share. It's a little sparse on the beauty front as in all honesty I haven't been changing things up much at all here. There are a couple of newbies in that department though, as well as what I've been watching, reading and listening to this month... 

YSL All Hours Foundation*-Let's get this out of the way first, yes the price tag is weepingly expensive. I recommend trying it first and then waiting for things like reward vouchers, discount days or just a plain old excuse to treat yo'face. I don't know if this foundation lasts all hours, I'm not one to wear my makeup for a hideously long time but I can vouch for its almost minimal need to powder and touch up. As someone with combination-oily skin, this is seriously impressive. The finish leans more on the matte side of things so if you've got drier skin, this mightn't be for you. I really freakin' love it and think this'll be a godsend come Summer when makeup all but evaporates from my face.

Stila Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eyeshadow(s)-These eyeshadows are the business. Liquid shadows drenched in so much sparkle. I love 'em. Then again I do love glittery eyelids so it's not like I'd hate these really but I digress. They're unlike any other eyeshadow out there. My favourite of the two I own is probably Bronzed Bell but Kitten Karma is a close second. The only qualm I have is when you remove these, the glitter tends to go everywhere. Otherwise, I can't fault these liquid delights. 

Hourglass Girl Lip Stylo-I've already touched on these once this month so I will keep it brief. Pigment that packs a punch and longevity to boot. I have the shade Leader, a vibrant fuschia which looks stunning. There's some gorgeous nudes in the range too and I seriously recommend a swatchathon when it comes to these.

Will and Grace-I'm not sure why it took me, bedridden to finally watch this show properly. Props to 2 for having an all-day Will and Grace marathon at the end of last month. I am now hooked, alternating between older episodes and the new revival currently on TV. Hilarious, hilarious comedy and brilliant character writing. It's so good. Karen Walker is my favourite character-god love her but really the four main leads are all amazing. Well worth the watch if you're like me and somehow missed it. 

Paperboy Magazine-If you're in Auckland you'll probably be familiar with Paperboy. It's a magazine, published weekly and free to get your mitts on from many locations around the city. It contains a mix of everything; food, culture, fashion, to name a few and also contains extra content from the New York Times. Long story short, it's worth a peruse on your train trips/coffee outings each week. I love unwinding with it on my Thursday/Friday journeys home. So good.

Younger Now x Miley Cyrus-Miley is certainly no stranger to reinvention but with Younger Now she's going back to her country-pop roots. The album opens with the titular track and then we're taken on a journey of wondrousness for the next forty minutes. It's a great driving soundtrack and is really upbeat+mood raising. Even if you're a Miley cynic, it is worth a listen. 

Feeling Sorry for Celia x Jaclyn Moriarty-A bit of a reading throwback if ever there was one, as I first read this book back in high school. After I posted about it on my bookstagram, it seemed a lot of you were familiar with it as well. For some reason I thought this book was niche? Anyway, told through letters received and sent, this book is the story of teenaged Elizabeth Clarry. Also known as Liz or Lizzie, depending on who is writing. She deals with the usual teenage struggles but also has to deal with a mix of eclectic characters. From her eccentric Mum to her scatty best friend Celia. It also looks at mental illness in a way that doesn't romanticise the issue or try to make it seem glamorous. In fact, I feel like this is one of the first young adult books in this part of the world at least that probably did address the issue. Well worth a read, or a re-read if you're feeling nostalgic. 

-What have you liked during October?

*PR Sample

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