
Book Releases in 2016: My Wishlist

-Images from: here and here

2016 is shaping up to be a pretty promising year on the reading side of things. There's some exciting new novels and non-fiction reads that have me excited like Leslie Knope when she's presented with friendship waffles. This is only a small selection, but no doubt you will see the rest of them in posts throughout the year. So without further ado, here's some books that are coming out in 2016 that I am quite eager to get into reading...

Girl Up by Laura Bates-This is a follow-up to Bates' popular book Everyday Sexism which I'm sure many of you have read or are familiar with. I'm hoping to start it soon. Girl Up takes things a step further and looks at the expectations bestowed upon women by the media, body image, social media and all the other 'fables' we're led to believe. It sounds really interesting and is no doubt going to get us thinking and then realising how warped our perceptions on a number of topics are. I might make a video on this once I've had a read so let me know if you're interested in seeing that.

On The Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher-Carrie's non-fiction debut All I Know Now was a book I thoroughly enjoyed, even if I was a bit outside the target audience. Her novel though sounds like it's geared at a slightly older audience, more in line with Carrie's+my age group. Go read the synopsis in the link I've attached or go listen to Carrie speaking about the ideas behind the book in her videos. It's such a unique concept. She's a very gifted wordsmith so I may just have to preorder this one..

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child-How nice of JK Rowling to give me an early birthday present. She's so generous like that. In seriousness, this book's release excites me for a number of reasons. #1-It is a new Harry Potter book. HARRY POTTER. The series, characters and world which were such an important detail in the fabric of my childhood. #2-You can preorder the book and I believe line up to get it, much like the releases during aforementioned childhood years. I haven't preordered this yet but oh man I kinda want to. For nostalgic purposes+maximisation of excitement levels. 

Ctrl, Alt; Delete: How I Grew Up Online by Emma Gannon-I have to give thanks to Zoella for mentioning Emma Gannon over on her blog because she's fast becoming one of my favourite writers/bloggers/internet women. The book's title is pretty self explanatory. Emma's birth coincided with the conception of the Internet so she has literally grown up online. This book is filled with her musings on topics such as the dreaded MySpace avatar, having to share the desktop computer (the struggles), catfishing, blogging, trolls and everything in between. I'm sure this is going to be hilarious, entertaining and perhaps rather relatable for us late eighties+nineties kids. Come payday this is going straight into my preorder basket. Don't even try to tell me that isn't a thing...

Bloom by Estee Lalonde-We can all probably agree that the market for 'YouTuber' books is well and truly oversaturated. That's a discussion for another day and I don't want it to overshadow Estee's book. I feel like Estee's book, entitled Bloom which sounds like it's part inspiration guide/part memoir is going to deliver. Why? Estee is the queen of keeping it real. She seems like such a down to earth, unphased woman and I don't think she'd let her book become generic. I love Estee, she's been one of my favourite YouTubers for a long time and I'm looking forward to seeing what she brings to the book table.

Pretty Iconic by Sali Hughes-Pretty Honest is my all-time favourite beauty book, you guys should know that by now. So when Sali subtly announced book #2 was in the works, my feelings were akin to that of closing magnetic beauty products. Satisfying as heck. Pretty Iconic looks at exploring Sali's all-time favourite beauty products, from staples like Ruby Woo x MAC, to the newcomers which have the potential to stick around. Sali's writing is also amazing and I'm really looking forward to this. *Adds to preorder cart*.

-What books are you looking forward to reading this year?

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