
Currently Reading: October

Hello, Happy Saturday and to those of you emerging from a Stranger Things-coma, I hope you have waffles handy. Today I have a little snippet of what I am currently reading. Even though October is drawing to a close and I've been all over the place with books and things, I still wanted to natter about books and magazines. It seems apt to post this today as it's #NZBookshopDay but anyway. I am rambling. Here is what I am currently reading...

I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes With Death x Maggie O'Farrell: Recommended and reviewed by Kiran from Unity Books, listen here. This is a memoir like no other. Novelist Maggie O'Farrell shares her stories; near fatal plane trips, what could have been a potentially deadly assault, seaside cliff jumping to name but a few. It's definitely not an easy read but it is wonderfully written. It really gets you thinking about mortality and the way in which we take life into our own hands on a daily basis. 

It's Messy: Essays on Boys, Boobs and Badass Women x Amanda De Cadenet: As soon as I heard the premise of this book by one of my favourite writers from Violet magazine and one of the founders of the #girlgaze project, I had it shelved. Subsequently I ended up pre-ordering it and I am glad I did. Filled with Amanda's own experiences and wisdom, it's the book you will want to gift to people this Christmas. If only for the fact that if it goes on loan, you will most likely not receive it back. I'm taking my time savouring this but it is not disappointing. 

Personal Style Blogs x Rosie Findlay: At the recommendation of Rosalind and having been a Fashademic enthsiast for some time, I needed to get ahold of this. Shamefully I am not very far into it yet but I love immersing myself in books like these. Knowledgeable people writing in an engaging way about subjects I am also passionate about really makes my book-loving self happy. 

Violet: Whenever I see the title of this magazine I think of Willy Wonka and the vile Violet Beauregarde. That anecdote aside, Violet magazine is far from vile and is certainly not vulgar. In fact, it's really rather lovely. The current issue is a feast of delicious proportions; be it fashion, or interviews with kiwi-expat Emilia Wickstead and the leading lady of The Handmaid's Tale, Elisabeth Moss.  I've actually done some more writing about Violet elsewhere so I'll share that when it's live. If you were a fan of Lula, the Leith Clark years and/or generally fawn over everything she does, get this. 

Collective Hub: Collective Hub is a magazine I flit in and out of. Usually when I'm in a bit of a creative, motivational rut. Its content, looking at creative people and business-minded folk doing extraordinary things is nothing short of inspiring. The current issue features an interview with Zoe Sugg aka Zoella which was one of my main motives for grabbing a copy, not gonna lie. Like I said, creative rut=a hefty dose of Collective Hub wisdom and hopefully I will be back on track.

Frankie: I feel like I wax lyrical about Frankie so much, it's almost embarrassing. I have no shame though and genuinely love this title so much. Issue 80, crikey(!) has been my companion on train trips. It's there to make me laugh, remind me of the greatness that is Helen Razer's writing, have me folding down the corners for gift ideas+things I have my own eye on and just generally puts a smile on my dial and a twinkle in my eye. That sentence was nauseating I am sorry but Frankie is deserving of all love, no matter how sickeningly sweet it may be.

-What have you read recently?

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