What I Love Weekly #19
1. NZFW is 5 sleeps away!! Who else is excited? I think I finally have my wardrobe for the week sorted. I just need to suss accessories & makeup & I will be good to go.
2. Those lovely people who are so speedy at answering emails. I know I am pretty shocking at answering emails & sending them so when I meet someone who answers within hours of me sending one I am a combination of amazed & grateful.
3. It is the holidays!!! This means I have 2 weeks off from my studies. It isn't really a break but still it'll be nice not having to commute to & from town every day for class, not having to buy debt-inducing train tickets, sleeping in etc etc.
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2. Those lovely people who are so speedy at answering emails. I know I am pretty shocking at answering emails & sending them so when I meet someone who answers within hours of me sending one I am a combination of amazed & grateful.
3. It is the holidays!!! This means I have 2 weeks off from my studies. It isn't really a break but still it'll be nice not having to commute to & from town every day for class, not having to buy debt-inducing train tickets, sleeping in etc etc.
I haven't taken a great deal of photos this week so I thought I'd share this image of the delightful Audrey Hepburn instead. Who could ever get sick of seeing pictures of her?
August in Pictures
August, for lack of a better word you were AWESOME. You were also amazing & awe inspiring. September is just around the corner bringing change, surprises & more. Today is all about August though & here's my month captured by Instagram. For more of my photos throughout the month you can follow me @nanawintour, if you'd like.
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1. These gorgeous gates appeared outside Auckland's Imperial Lane to mark the Food Festival Launch.
2. Isn't this lovely? My parents bought me Karen Walker's Filigree ring for my birthday.

August Favourites.
So I thought about doing a haul post but I think those are more effective on YouTube. Instead I've decided to collate a list of the products I've been loving each month. Some may be completely new, some are ones I've rediscovered. Either way, I hope you like my August picks!
Let me know in the comments section if you use any of these products as I would love to hear your thoughts about them.
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Let me know in the comments section if you use any of these products as I would love to hear your thoughts about them.

Monday Marvel #12
I'm sure you've worked it out already but I love Fashion. Ok, that may well be the understatement of the century considering I spend every day thinking about it in one way or another. Anyway over the weekend I've been visiting my favourite site for image sourcing+inspiration, Pinterest. I've been going back through my boards & thought I'd share some of my favourite Fashion-related images from them today. For more Fashion inspiration be sure to visit my Fashionable Finds board over on Pinterest.
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Alexa Chung is a constant style inspiration.
Love all the elements of this look!
What I Love Weekly #18
1. This week I found out for one of my assignments I get to analyse Advertorials & make my own. That probably sounds unexciting to most people but this means that I've been looking through piles of magazines from my own collection & the library this week. As I love magazines this is literally my dream assignment. Ok, geek moment over.
2. The other day I was having a major 'Fear of missing out' moment about NZFW. Well, I found out on Wednesday night that I will be blogging at NZFW for the NZ Fashion Files blog as well as taking photos for Instagram among other things. To say I am excited is a huge understatement. I will be going to ALL the shows I can & just generally loving the whole week. I can't wait. Keep an eye out for reviews & content on my blog too!
3. Rouge Coco Lipstick by Chanel, #31 to be precise. I have never had so many compliments on a lipstick ever! The colour is gorgeous, it doesn't feel drying on the lips & it is fast becoming my favourite lip colour. M, you have good taste in lip colours x.
4. All the pretty flowers. Maybe it's because of my obsession with floral prints but I just seem to love flowers at the moment. I daydream about having rooms filled with them in my future house. I've even nearly made myself late this week (shhh) because I was stopping to take photos of flowers. I just can't get enough of them.
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2. The other day I was having a major 'Fear of missing out' moment about NZFW. Well, I found out on Wednesday night that I will be blogging at NZFW for the NZ Fashion Files blog as well as taking photos for Instagram among other things. To say I am excited is a huge understatement. I will be going to ALL the shows I can & just generally loving the whole week. I can't wait. Keep an eye out for reviews & content on my blog too!
3. Rouge Coco Lipstick by Chanel, #31 to be precise. I have never had so many compliments on a lipstick ever! The colour is gorgeous, it doesn't feel drying on the lips & it is fast becoming my favourite lip colour. M, you have good taste in lip colours x.
4. All the pretty flowers. Maybe it's because of my obsession with floral prints but I just seem to love flowers at the moment. I daydream about having rooms filled with them in my future house. I've even nearly made myself late this week (shhh) because I was stopping to take photos of flowers. I just can't get enough of them.
There's a grocers/dairy (I'm never really sure) in Ponsonby that always has the most gorgeous assortment of flowers out the front of their store. I love stopping to look at them.

Today I went on a retail daydream at Karen Walker. I fell in love with....
A little disclaimer: I love Karen Walker as a brand, her designs are always so gorgeous. Her jewellery & eyewear are just as stunning as her clothes. This is probably one of my most expensive wish lists to date but I genuinely love everything on it. So this post is the epitome of 'maintaining a lifestyle I can't afford' but hey, a girl's allowed to dream, right?
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Monday Marvel #11
'Putting on the Ritz' is an editorial which featured in one of Vogue US's issues earlier in the year. It features the ethereal Kate Moss & was shot by Tim Walker & flawlessly styled by Grace Coddington. I was bound to love this editorial because it was created by three of my absolute favourites in fashion. As the pictures will show you though, this is one absolutely stunning photo shoot. The setting, clothes & composition of all of the images is just stunning. I love it.
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These two are my favourites. I love the idea of her playing dress ups in a lavish setting!
Click through for more:

Get Nailed with MAC Cosmetics
Up until now MAC's nail lacquers have only been released as part of their limited edition collections. As of Monday though we'll be able to get our hands on their new permanent range of nail lacquers!
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There will be 30 different colours to choose from. Some are completely new to MAC, others are based on popular lipsticks, like the Impassioned lacquer. The polish comes in a new high gloss formula & there are three finishes to choose from; Cream, Sheer & Frosted. I've never used MAC's lacquers before but a friend of mine tells me the Cream finished polishes are amazing. They also contain conditioners & UV protectants.
See my favourites after the jump;

What I Love Weekly #17
1. This site. Makeup Alley is the first place I go to now if I want to read reviews of products I want to try and/or buy. The more comprehensive viewers list their age bracket, skin type etc which makes it more useful too. It's a great tool. Another favourite I visit for reviews & fantastic swatches is Temptalia although these are usually geared towards more specific skin types & looks so they might not be as applicable, but it is another really useful site.
2. Who saw the Spice Girls' stellar performance at the Closing Ceremony? I don't know about you but I was Spice Girls mad once upon a time. Admittedly I still listen to their music now (who doesn't?) so it was like one big glittery Brit nostalgia extravaganza seeing them perform. If you haven't seen it then go here & scroll down.
3. Sleep is one of the best, free rewards you can give yourself. I even blogged about it this week. Over the weekend I was so drained & needed a long, decent sleep. I slept for 12 hours & it was amazing. Bring on the holidays so I can do that again soon!
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2. Who saw the Spice Girls' stellar performance at the Closing Ceremony? I don't know about you but I was Spice Girls mad once upon a time. Admittedly I still listen to their music now (who doesn't?) so it was like one big glittery Brit nostalgia extravaganza seeing them perform. If you haven't seen it then go here & scroll down.
3. Sleep is one of the best, free rewards you can give yourself. I even blogged about it this week. Over the weekend I was so drained & needed a long, decent sleep. I slept for 12 hours & it was amazing. Bring on the holidays so I can do that again soon!
I love this photo of Karlie Kloss! This is from US Vogue's July 2012 issue. -Sourced from Fashion Gone Rogue.

Quotacious Quotes
"Don't be afraid not to fail. Be afraid not to try".
"The young need discipline & a full bookcase". -Vivienne Westwood
"Don't look back. Just go ahead. Give ideas away. Under every idea there's a new idea waiting to be born". -Diana Vreeland
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love". -Marcus Aurelius
"Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle".
"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you". -Walt Disney
-Image via Pinterest.

Fashionable Finds: A trip down Editorial Lane.
It's been a while since I've paid a visit to Fashion Gone Rogue's digest. I find that if you visit too frequently, it can be a bit hit & miss depending on what's been uploaded. However, over the weekend I found some rather stunning finds.
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Monday Marvel #10
Fact: I love sleep. It's luxurious, relaxing & the ultimate way to unwind. I'm one of those people who has to have complete darkness too, all doors & curtains have to be completely closed. So it comes as no surprise really that today's Monday Marvel, which is perfect for sleep indulgence is one of my favourite things. Today I bring you the eye mask.
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Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany's.

What I Love Weekly #16
1. Rewatching Mean Girls. This was the movie of high school, I don't know how many of the lines & references I know off by heart but I can tell you that it is a lot. Watching this over the weekend made me realise 1) High school may have been dire in parts but it was nowhere near as dramatic or vicious as this movie makes it out to be. & 2) How unlike Mean Girls my high school experience was. Even if at times I likened somebody to a Regina George figure of sorts.
2. My actual birthday day itself. It really was amazing. I had a fabulous day & night with my family & friends, I was crazy spoilt-thank you for the lovely gifts everyone! & I received some of the nicest cards ever. Seriously, people said the nicest things. So thank you again to everyone who was a part of my birthday. You made my day so special xx.
3. Sass & Bide's latest collection has dropped! The latest range is entitled 'Sing, Brother!' & it features lots of stunning prints, gorgeously tailored garments, beautiful jewellery & of course lots of sparkle! Pictured below is one of my favourite pieces from the collection, although there are many which I love. To see more of my favourites click here.
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2. My actual birthday day itself. It really was amazing. I had a fabulous day & night with my family & friends, I was crazy spoilt-thank you for the lovely gifts everyone! & I received some of the nicest cards ever. Seriously, people said the nicest things. So thank you again to everyone who was a part of my birthday. You made my day so special xx.
3. Sass & Bide's latest collection has dropped! The latest range is entitled 'Sing, Brother!' & it features lots of stunning prints, gorgeously tailored garments, beautiful jewellery & of course lots of sparkle! Pictured below is one of my favourite pieces from the collection, although there are many which I love. To see more of my favourites click here.
I am in blissful love with this dress!
New to the Beauty Bazaar: America Direct Finds.
If you saw this post last week you'd know already that my America Direct haul had arrived while I was on holiday. My products actually arrived about a month ago but I wanted to wait a bit before reviewing them. The reason for this is there was one product which I was still a bit unsure about but I have now decided how I feel about it.
Without further ado, here is my haul, albeit a rather small one from America Direct.
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Without further ado, here is my haul, albeit a rather small one from America Direct.

Say hello to Nation State!
Many of you will have heard of Mag Nation, the destination in Australia & New Zealand to head to if you want to get the best magazines the world has to offer. Well now they have a sister store, an online stationery heaven called Nation State.
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Nation State are based in Melbourne's CBD. They're dedicated to "selling the best stationery & other cool stuff" they love. So, what exactly are some of the cool items that Nation State sell? Here's some of my favourites which I've picked out;
1. Pink XL Moleskines (Ruled), $25.90. -New Zealand's only just started getting more of the Moleskine range in the last couple of years but I am yet to see the Pink notebooks in our stores. I love these colours & they'd be perfect to brighten up an otherwise boring home or work desk.
2. Pantone iPhone 4 Case, $44.95. * -I seem to have an obsession with the colour pink at the moment! I'm blaming Leah for this seeing as two of my manicures have been pink. Anyway, like the notebooks this would be perfect to brighten your phone. Look how bright that colour is! You'd never lose your iPhone in your bag again.

Monday Marvel #9
Along with Jacqueline Wilson, JK Rowling & Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl was & still is one of my all time favourite writers for children. His stories are so imaginative, so enchanting & entertaining to read. Today I bring you some of my favourite words from Roald Dahl. I hope they make you smile & brighten up what looks set to be another dreary week (weather-wise) ahead.
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"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
"We are the music makers & the dreamers of dreams."
What I Love Weekly #15
1. Watching the Olympics! The other day I saw some of the show-jumping during class & last night I watched the rowing. We won GOLD by the way, go the Kiwis! I am in no way an avid sport watcher but there's something about the Olympics that I love. I can't really explain it.
2. This week is birthday week & in fact today is my birthday. I share my birthday with Karlie Kloss! Yes, that rather amazing Supermodel. Happy Birthday Karlie.
3. Britney blogged about our Saturday adventure seeing us venture around the city. She wrote the nicest things about our day. There's photos from 4 different cameras on there too because we like taking a ridiculous amount of photos. Go & have a nosy.
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2. This week is birthday week & in fact today is my birthday. I share my birthday with Karlie Kloss! Yes, that rather amazing Supermodel. Happy Birthday Karlie.
3. Britney blogged about our Saturday adventure seeing us venture around the city. She wrote the nicest things about our day. There's photos from 4 different cameras on there too because we like taking a ridiculous amount of photos. Go & have a nosy.
How beautiful are my birthday nails?? Read on to find out more about them.
-Photo by Leah Light.

Mid Week Music
I have a birthday coming up & as it's a bit of a milestone I thought I'd make a playlist of the songs I've loved growing up (so far). Please note that some are highly embarrassing (What was I thinking?), many of them are nostalgic & some will perhaps only make sense to the people who know me the best.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my playlist today. Open up YouTube, iTunes or Spotify & get singing!
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