
Monday Muse-The girl's got style.

Today's Monday Muse requires no introduction, but for the sake of formality, I present to you Tavi Gevinson. Brainchild of Style Rookie, her personal blog as well as Rookie an online magazine of which she is the editor, Tavi is no stranger to the Fashion Industry and blogosphere.

Tavi is definitely not your average fifteen year old girl, one look at both her blog and her online magazine's content will tell you that. While her blog may have started out solely as a style blog she now discusses Feminism, Pop Culture and shares Mood Boards in greater depth just to name a few. Her blog is basically the fashionably intellectual icing on the cake that is the blogosphere.

Tavi with Leith Clark, editor of LULA magazine.

For those of you yet to discover 'Rookie' mag, Monday-Friday 3 posts are uploaded on a range of topics and issues. Each month the magazine has a theme, for instance next month's is "Shrines" and readers are invited to contribute as well as their team of writers and artists. To be honest I look at 'Rookie' daily and will usually read everything. You'll be surprised at how relatable some of the content is to you as an individual.

Still inspired? Watch this interview with Tavi for BBC.

Image Credits: All from stylerookie.com.

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