
What I Love Weekly #31

1. "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privelege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." -When life seems rough I'm going to try to always remember all of the above.

2. The ever present Sunshine! I don't know what it is about sunshine & bright blue skies but they seem to always make the day that much better. It means we can spend more time outdoors in the sun or at the beach-I love it.

3. This song, I love everything about it. It's so uplifting & it just makes me want to dance under some fairy lights.

4. Lush Bath Ballistics. They smell amazing, usually turn your bath water bright & sparkly colours & are the best pick me up after a hard day. They're also super affordable too, I love to stock up on them!

Mine & B's delicious treats from Bluebells

5. If you saw Maria's post on Tuesday then you may have noticed this biscuit tote. It's by Caitlin Shearer & I love it. It was one of the prints on the back of Frankie's calendars this year & I foolishly used it as wrapping paper so I'd love to have a permanent version. These bags are also very sturdy & practical if you're on the go. 

6. Seeing as it's Thanksgiving in America at the moment, this week I am thankful for my wonderful friends & family. They are all amazing & I'd be seriously lost without them x. Sorry, that was kinda cheesy..

7. The three Mineralize Skinfinishes from MAC's Extra Dimension collection. They are so so pretty! Unfortunately these aren't available in New Zealand yet but I've seen the middle one on Fleur's latest haul video & it looks stunning. A girl can dream...

8. A little Mecca adventure. This week I introduced A to Mecca & Laguna Bronzer, NARS' cult product. Anyway, I happened to notice that they have some really stunning products in store for Christmas, like a Ciate Advent Calendar including 24 nail polishes (!), Stila Eyeshadow & Blusher Snowflake Palettes, NARS Andy Warhol gift sets, Tocca goodies & more. Check out their website or head in store now & be prepared to enter beauty heaven.

9. The MoAD market is on this Saturday at Tyler St Garage. The lovely Devon & Colleen who I featured in Monday's post will have tables there so you should definitely head along to check it out & support some local artists.

10. Journal writing. I always seem to slack off with this a bit but lately I've started writing anything & everything down each day in my 365 journal & it helps clear my head. My aim is to fill it by this time next year.

11. Lesson of the week: Chatter & Laughter are the best free cures around.

12. Last but not least Barney's New York's collaboration with Disney. The result is a four minute short film featuring fashion & famous faces at Paris Fashion Week. It is so gorgeous! Check it out here

-I hope you are all have Fabulous Fridays & weekends in store! Today I am off adventuring & photo taking with Britney which will be exciting-you'll no doubt see the photos here & on her blog too.

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